为开发适宜鸭绿江流域丹东市鲜食玉米和萝卜一年两作种植模式,并筛选适宜该模式下的鲜食玉米品种和萝卜品种。于第一季种植鲜食玉米,分别选择大黄粘、黄甜糯、金香糯和糯玉4号4个鲜食玉米品种,第二季种植萝卜,分别选择青甜水果萝卜、绊倒驴萝卜、糖脆水果青萝卜、土光萝卜4个品种。一茬作物鲜食玉米播种期为4月中旬前,收获期为7月下旬,二茬作物萝卜播种期为8月上旬,收获期为10月下旬。两季作物生物学性状及产量分析。结果表明,所选的鲜食玉米品种均能够在丹东地区适应一年两季作的栽培模式,其中大黄粘、黄甜糯和金香糯3个中国品种口感均达到了8,韩国品种糯玉4号口感为6,且韩国品种种皮厚度较厚,所以在口感方面不及其他3个中国品种。萝卜产量方面,韩国土光萝卜最高,产量达到6423.7 kg·(667 m^(2))^(-1),绊倒驴萝卜和青甜水果萝卜产量紧随其后,分别为5196.4和4170.8 kg·(667 m^(2))^(-1),中国品种糖脆水果青萝卜产量最低,仅为2393.1 kg·(667 m^(2))^(-1),筛选出适宜鸭绿江流域种植的两季作的品种,鲜食玉米3个品种分别为大黄粘、黄甜糯、金香糯,萝卜3个品种,分别为青甜水果萝卜、绊倒驴萝卜和土光萝卜,尤其是韩国品种土光萝卜。如果能够引进,将大大提高农民的收入,同时由于糖脆水果青萝卜产量较低,不建议种植。
In order to develop the suitable cropping pattern of fresh corn and radish in Dandong City,Yalu River Basin,and screen the suitable varieties of waxy maize and radish.In the first season,four varieties of waxy maize were planted,namely,Dahuangnian,Huangtianuo,Jinxiangnuo and Nuoyu 4.In the second season,four varieties of radish were planted,namely,Qingtianshuiguo radish,Bandaolüradish,Tangcuishuiguoqing radish and Tuguang radish.The planting period of the first crop of waxy maize was before mid-April,and the harvest period was late July,and the planting period of the second crop of radish was early August,and the harvest period was late October.According to the biological characteristics and yield analysis of the two crops,the experimental results showed that the selected waxy table maize varieties could adapt to the cultivation mode of two seasons a year in Dandong Area.The taste of the three Chinese varieties of Dahungnian,Huangtianuo and Jinxiangnuo reached 8,and the taste of the Korean variety Nuoyu 4 was 6.The Korean variety is not as tasty as the other three Chinese varieties because of its thicker seed coat.In terms of radish yield,South Korean Tuguang radish had the highest yield of 6423.7 kg·(667 m^(2))^(-1),followed by the yields of Qingtianshuiguo radish with 5196.4 and 4170.8 kg·(667 m^(2))^(-1),and the yields of Chinese varieties of Bandaolüand Tangcuishuiguo qing radish were the lowest,only 2393.1 kg·(667 m^(2))^(-1),the suitable two-season varieties were selected for planting in the Yalu River Basin.Three varieties of fresh maize were Dahuangnian,Huangtiannuo and Jinxiangnuo,and three varieties of radish were Qingtianshuiguo radish,Bandaolüradish and Tuguang radish,especially the Korean variety Tuguang radish.If it can be introduced,it will greatly improve the income of farmers,because of the low yield of Tiancuishuiqing radish,it is not recommended to grow.
ZHANG Qingyu;PIAO Tianri;YOON Seungtak;WANG Guangda;JIANG Yinji;XU Zhenyu(Crop Research Institute,Agricultural Sciences Academy of Yanbian,Yanji 133400,China;Longjing City Dongshengyong Town Comprehensive Service Center,Longjing 133400;School of Food Biotechnology,Dankook University,Cheonan Chungnam 31066,Korea)
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences