

The Dual Progression and Criticism of Modernity in Jane Austen's Sanditon
摘要 小说《沙地屯》是奥斯丁创作晚期的未竟之作,在这部作品中,作者将个人经验与社会发展相结合,采用新的叙事题材与形式进行创作,进一步发展她的小说风格。研究以申丹的双重叙事进程理论为关照,聚焦《沙地屯》的叙事题材与形式,发现小说分别描写了英国摄政时期医疗进步与经济转型带来的新旧冲突,两种冲突一明一暗,相互补充,一起构成了小说叙事中的显性情节与隐性进程,共同反映作者对英国早期现代化进程中混乱与断裂的体验与批判。通过这种混乱与断裂的体验,奥斯丁在创作中开始使用一种新的移动变化的视角对现代化进程进行观察与描绘,使《沙地屯》呈现出强烈的实验性质。 The novel Sanditon is an unfinished work of Jane Austen's late creative period,in which the author combines personal experience with social development,using new narrative themes and forms to further develop her writing style.Taking Shen Dan's dual narrative process theory as a reference,the study focuses on the narrative themes and forms of Sanditon and finds that the novel depicts the old and new conflicts brought about by medical progress and economic transformation during the British Regency period.The two conflicts,one obvious and the other dark,complement each other,forming the explicit plot and implicit process in the novel's narrative,reflecting the author's experience and criticism of the chaos and fragmentation in the early modernization process of Britain.Through this chaotic and fractured experience,Austin began to use a new perspective of movement and change in his creations to observe and depict the process of modernization,making Sanditon exhibit a strong experimental nature.
作者 林永辉 LIN Yonghui(Faculty of Education,Guangdong Baiyun University,Guangzhou Guangdong,510000,China)
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2023年第27期16-21,共6页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
关键词 《沙地屯》 医疗叙事 经济转型 双重叙事进程 隐性进程 现代性 Sanditon Medical narrative Economic transformation Dual progression Convert progression Modernization
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  • 1R. W. Chapman ed. , Jane Austen's Letters, 2^nded. (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1952) 401, 469.
  • 2Raymond Williams, The Country and the City (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1973) 113.
  • 3Alistair Duckworth, The Improvement of the Estate (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1971).
  • 4Marilyn Butler, Jane Austen and the War of ldeas (Oxford: Clarendon P., 1975).
  • 5玛·巴特勒.《浪漫派、叛逆者及反动派》,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第157-171页.
  • 6Raymond Williams: Keywords: a Vocabulary of Culture and Society (London: Fontana P., 1976) 280-282.
  • 7Clare Tomalin, Jane Austen (New York: Vintage, 1999) 155.
  • 8Frank W. Bradbrook, Jane Austen and Her Predecessors (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1966) 28-50.
  • 9David Monaghan, "Introduction", in Monaghan, ed. , Jane Austen in a Social Context (Houndmills: Macmillan, 1981) 4-6.
  • 10Julia Prewit Brown, Jane Austen's Novels: Social Changes and Literary Form (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1979) 24.









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