
岩体渗流参数统计模型及其应用 被引量:2

Development and application of statistical models of seepage parameters in rocks
摘要 合理确定岩体的渗流参数是水利水电工程渗流分析和控制的基础,但受岩体非均质性和渗流状态的影响,岩体的渗流参数不仅类型多样,而且变异性强,部分渗流参数甚至难以通过现场试验确定。通过收集数万组室内和现场渗流试验数据,开发了岩体渗流参数数据库系统,研究了各类岩体渗流参数的统计特征,建立了岩体渗流参数的统计模型,并简要对比了岩体渗透系数取值的分区法和分布法对工程渗流场的影响。结果表明:河谷区岩体的渗透系数在数值上服从对数正态分布,其均值和对数标准差随埋深的变化规律可分别采用幂函数和Logistic函数描述;在非达西流态下,岩体的惯性渗透系数与渗透系数在统计上服从3/2幂次关系;在非饱和状态下,岩体van Genuchten模型参数的置信上限可通过渗透系数估计,进而可通过反演分析确定其代表性取值。研究成果对于水利水电工程岩体渗流参数的类比、分析和确定具有重要意义。 Proper determination of seepage parameters for fractured rocks is crucial to seepage analysis and control in hydraulic and hydropower engineering.However,affected by the heterogeneity and complex flow behaviors in fractured rocks,the seepage parameters are of various types and strong variability,and some of them are even quite hard to be determined by field tests.By collecting and compiling broad data sets of laboratory and field hydraulic tests,a database system for seepage parameters of rocks is developed.The statistical features of various seepage parameters of rocks are examined,and statistical models of seepage parameters of rocks are developed.The influences of hydraulic conductivity values determined by permeability zonation and spatial distribution on the seepage field are briefly compared.The results show that the hydraulic conductivity of rock masses in valley areas follows a lognormal distribution numerically,and the variations of the mean value and the logarithmic standard deviation with buried depth can be best described by power-law and Logistic functions,respectively.In the non-Darcian flow regime,the inertial hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass displays a power-law scaling with respect to viscous hydraulic conductivity with an exponent of 3/2 statistically.In unsaturated state,the upper confidence limit of van Genuchten model parameters can also be estimated by the hydraulic conductivity of rock masses,and then its representative values for rock masses can be determined by inverse analysis.These research results are of great significance for the analogy,analysis and determination of seepage parameters of rock masses in hydraulic and hydropower engineering.
作者 张营丰 陈益峰 陈锴锟 王昇 胡冉 杨志兵 ZHANG Yingfeng;CHEN Yifeng;CHEN Kaikun;WANG Sheng;HU Ran;YANG Zhibing(State Key Laboratory of Water Resources Engineering and Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;Key Laboratory of Rock Mechanics in Hydraulic Structural Engineering of Ministry of Education,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;Yalong River Hydropower Development Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610051,China)
出处 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期1513-1526,共14页 Engineering Journal of Wuhan University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51925906) 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体项目(编号:2022CFA028)。
关键词 岩体 渗流参数 数据库系统 统计模型 渗流分析 rock seepage parameter database system statistical model seepage analysis
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