目的:通过对比9名膝关节内侧副韧带(medial collateral ligament, MCL)损伤为I级或Ⅱ级的篮球运动员健侧和患侧的大腿围度、屈伸肌平均功率和峰力矩、睁闭眼单脚站立平衡的摇摆比率和总轨迹线长等指标,探讨篮球运动员膝关节MCL损伤的特征,为膝关节MCL损伤的康复提供参考。方法:选取9名膝关节MCL损伤的篮球运动员,分别测量患侧腿和健侧腿的大腿围度,使用CON-TREX的等速肌力测试系统测定膝关节健侧与患侧屈伸肌的峰力矩和平均功率,使用Gaitview足底压力测量仪测定受试者健侧与患侧睁闭眼站立的摇摆比率和总轨迹线长。结果:肌力方面:患侧与健侧的大腿围度无显著差异(P>0.05),在60°/s角速度下,患侧屈伸肌平均功率显著下降(P<0.01),患侧屈伸肌峰力矩显著下降(P<0.05),在120°/s角速度下,患侧屈伸肌平均功率显著下降(P<0.05),患侧屈伸肌峰力矩显著下降(P<0.05),平衡方面:患侧与健侧的睁眼单脚站立摇摆比率虽有差异,但无显著差异(P>0.05),患侧闭眼单脚站立摇摆比率和睁闭眼总轨迹线长均出现极显著增加(P<0.01)。结论:篮球运动员膝关节MCL损伤后,患侧膝关节屈伸肌的肌肉力量明显弱于健侧,屈伸肌实际做功效率降低,患侧睁闭眼单腿站立的平衡能力较健侧相比出现明显的退步。建议在篮球运动员膝关节MCL的损伤康复中应着重加强膝关节周围肌力和平衡能力的训练。
OBJECTIVE:This study aims to provide insights into the characteristics of medial collateral ligament(MCL)injuries in basketball players with grade I or II injuries.It does so by comparing various parameters on the injured and healthy sides,including thigh circumference,average power,and peak torque of the knee extensor muscles,as well as the sway ratio and total trajectory length during single-leg balance with eyes open and closed.These findings offer valuable guidance for the rehabilitation of MCL injuries in basketball players.METHODS:Nine basketball players with MCL injuries were selected for the study.Measurements included thigh circumference on both the injured and healthy sides.Muscle strength on both sides was assessed using the CON-TREX isokinetic muscle strength testing system.Single-leg balance with eyes open and closed was measured using the Gaitview plantar pressure measurement system.RESULTS:Muscle Strength:Thigh circumference did not significantly differ between the injured and healthy sides(P>0.05).However,at an angular velocity of 60°/s,the average power of the knee extensor muscles on the injured side significantly decreased(P<0.01),along with a significant decrease in peak torque(P<0.05).At an angular velocity of 120°/s,the average power and peak torque of the knee extensor muscles on the injured side also significantly decreased(P<0.05).Balance:While there was a difference in sway ratio during single-leg balance with eyes open between the injured and healthy sides,it was not statistically significant(P>0.05).However,the sway ratio during single-leg balance with eyes closed and the total trajectory length during both open and closed-eye conditions on the injured side significantly increased(P<0.01).CONCLUSIONS:Following MCL injuries in basketball players,the muscle strength of the knee extensor muscles on the injured side is noticeably weaker than on the healthy side,resulting in reduced muscle efficiency.Furthermore,the balance ability during single-leg standing with eyes closed is significantly compromised on the injured side compared to the healthy side.This suggests that rehabilitation for MCL injuries in basketball players should focus on strengthening the muscles around the knee joint and improving balance.
Wang Liyong;Liu Yufei;Xu Wenshan(Harbin University of Sport,Harbin 150008,China)
Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology