
马克思主义出版观的中国化 被引量:3

Chinalization of the Marxist View of Publishing
摘要 马克思主义出版观是以马克思主义辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观、价值观为指导,以正确的立场、观点和方法,从事选择、编辑、出版、发行工作的活动,出版对历史负责、对人民有益、对社会文明进步有推动作用的出版物的科学思想体系。在中国共产党领导的百年奋斗史中,马克思主义出版观与中国出版文化传统相结合、与中国革命出版实践相结合、与出版技术的革命性变革相结合,产生了新时代马克思主义出版观,指导中国出版业在变革中坚守、在创新中前进、实现多业态繁荣发展。文章结合中国的出版传统、中国革命时期的出版思想和新时代中国出版的新发展,探讨马克思主义出版观的中国化问题,指出在新时代党的战略思想指引下,中国出版业必将再创辉煌,谱写马克思主义出版观中国化的新篇章。 The Marxist outlook on publishing is a scientific ideological system guided by the worldview,outlook and values of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism,involving the activities of selecting,editing,publishing and distributing works with correct stand,viewpoints and methods.It also means the publications are responsible for history,beneficial to the people,and promote the progress of social civilization.In a century's struggle led by the Communist Party of China,the Marxist concept of publishing in the new era has come into being when the Marxist concept of publishing has been combined with the Chinese publishing cultural tradition,the practice of China's revolutionary publishing,and the revolutionary change in publishing technology,which has been guiding China's publishing industry to adhere to the change,make advance in innovation,and prosper as well as develop in multiple formats.This paper discusses the Sinicization of the Marxist concept of publishing in combination with China's publishing tradition,the publishing thought of the Chinese revolution and the new development of Chinese publishing in the new era.It puts forward that under the guidance of the strategic principles of the CPC,China's publishing industry will continue to strive for excellence and write a new chapter for the Sinicization of Marxist view of publishing.
作者 柳斌杰 LIU Bin-jie(China Publication&Promotion Association,Beijing 100035,China)
机构地区 中华出版促进会
出处 《编辑之友》 北大核心 2023年第12期5-10,19,共7页 Editorial Friend
关键词 马克思主义出版观 中国化 出版强国 出版业 Marxist view of publishing Chinalization publishing power publishing industry
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