

Study on the pattern of medication use in Chinese medicine for the treatment of influenza in Lingnan rigion based on literature analysis
摘要 基于文献分析探讨中医药治疗岭南地区流行性感冒的用药规律和组方特点.检索中国知网(CNKI)、维普数据库(VIP)、万方数据服务平台(Wanfang)、中华医学期刊全文数据库和中国生物医学文献服务系统(SinoMed)所收录的2000年1月至2023年2月中医药治疗岭南地区流行性感冒的随机对照临床研究文献,将筛选后获得的方药建立数据库,采用数据挖掘技术对药物进行频数分析、性味归经及功效分析、关联规则分析和聚类分析.共纳入符合条件的文献69篇,涉及处方80首,中药135味,累积药物使用频次810次.用药频次前15的药物为甘草、连翘、黄芩、金银花、柴胡、薄荷、桔梗、苦杏仁、荆芥、麻黄、石膏、牛蒡子、板蓝根、羌活、葛根.常用的药物类型为清热药、解表药、化痰止咳平喘药、补虚药、化湿药;药性以寒、温、平性为主,药味以苦、辛、甘味为主,归经以入肺、胃、心、脾、肝经药物为主.关联规则分析得出39组药对组合,聚类分析出4个类方.岭南地区中医药治疗流行性感冒的核心药物为甘草、黄芩、连翘、金银花、柴胡等,以清热解毒、解表为核心治法,但常配合岭南地区祛湿、健脾之品,善用岭南道地药材,为岭南地区中医药治疗流行性感冒提供参考. This paper discussed the medicine rules and prescription characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)in the treatment of influenza based on the data literature analysis.Randomized controlled clinical studies on the TCM treatment of in-fluenza were searched from CNKI,VIP,Wanfang,the Chinese Medical Journal Full Text Databaseand China Biomedical Litera-ture Service(SinoMed),from January 2000 to February 2023 in the Lingnan region.We established the database of the screened prescriptions,and data mining technology was used to conduct frequency analysis,property,flavor,meridian and efficacy analy-sis,association rule analysis,and cluster analysis of the drugs.A total of 69 eligible literatures were included,involving 80 pre-scriptions,135 traditional Chinese medicines,and a cumulative frequency of 810 drug uses.The top 15 drugs in the frequency of medication were licorice,forsythia,skullcap,honeysuckle,bupleurum,mint,platycodongrandiflorum,bitter almond,nepeta,ephe-dra,gypsum,burdock seed,Radix isatidis,qianghuo,and pueraria.Commonly used types of medicines are heat-clearing medi-cines,external-relieving medicines,phlegm-relieving cough-relieving medicines,tonic medicines,and damp-removing medicines.The medicinal properties are mainly cold,warm and flat,the medicinal tastes are mainly bitter,acrid,sweet,and the medicines entering the lung,stomach,heart,spleen,and liver meridians are the main meridians.Through association rule analysis,39 groups of association drug pairs were obtained,and 4 core categories were classified by cluster analysis.The core drugs of tradi-tional Chinese medicine in the Lingnan rigion for the treatment of influenza are licorice,skullcap,forsythia,honeysuckle,Bupleu-rum,etc.,which mainly focus on clearing away heat and detoxification,but it is often combined with herbs that dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen in the Lingnan region,making good use of Lingnan Taoist herbs.This research provided some refer-ences for the treatment of influenzawith traditional Chinese medicine in the Lingnan region.
作者 曾江楠 熊广 祝庆华 刘玉 ZENG Jiang-nan;XIONG Guang;ZHU Qing-hua;LIU Yu(The Fourth Clinical Medical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Shenzhen 518033,China;Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Shenzhen 518033,China)
出处 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第6期645-652,共8页 Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(81904103) 深圳市科技计划项目(JCYJ20190812155412785,JCYJ20210324111204013)。
关键词 流行性感冒 岭南地区 用药规律 关联规则 influenza Lingnan region medication rule association rule
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