
不同添加剂对板蓝根茎叶发酵品质与营养价值的影响 被引量:1

Effects of different additives on the fermentation quality and nutritional value of the stem and leaves of Isatis indigotica
摘要 为研究纤维素酶、复合乳酸菌等添加剂对板蓝根茎叶发酵品质和营养价值的影响,试验设置为8个处理组,分别为纤维素酶组(BX)、复合乳酸菌组(BR)、青干贮专用复合酶组(ZB)、青贮宝组(BQ)、青贮宝+纤维素酶组(BQX组)、纤维素酶+复合乳酸菌组(BRX组)、青干贮专用复合酶+复合乳酸菌组(BRZ组)、对照组(CK组),每组3个重复,试验期60 d,对比分析各组发酵饲料营养品质和发酵品质。结果显示:各试验处理的板蓝根茎叶均无腐败臭味呈淡酸味,褐黄色,质地松散不粘手,评价为良好,与对照组相比,BX、ZB、BQX组气味得分分别提高了23.33%、16.67%、30.00%(P<0.05)。BX、ZB、BQX、BRX组乳酸含量分别提高了10.43%、12.70%、14.13%、13.05%(P<0.01);BRX、BQX组丙酸含量分别降低了59.09%、68.18%(P<0.01);BQX组有机酸总和提高了16.44%(P<0.01);BRX组乳酸占比提高了4.37%(P<0.01);与对照组相比,BX、BQX、BRX组粗纤维含量分别降低了24.78%、31.62%、30.15%(P<0.01)。添加纤维素酶、复合乳酸菌、纤维素酶+复合乳酸菌酶菌共用等,可有效改善板蓝根茎叶发酵品质,但对于其营养价值未有显著改善,同时未检出(R,S)-告依春等活性成分。 In order to study the effects of cellulase,compound lactic acid bacteria and other additives on the fermentation quality and nutritional value of Isatis indigotica stem and leaf.The experiment was divided into eight treatment groups,namely cellulase group(BX),compound lactic acid bacteria group(BR group),compound enzyme group for dry silage(ZB group),silage treasure group(BQ group),silage treasure+cellulase group(BQX group),cellulase+compound lactic acid bacteria group(BRX group),compound enzyme+compound lactic acid bacteria group(BRZ group),and control group(CK group).Each group had three replicates.The experiment period was 60 days.The nutritional quality and fermentation quality of fermented feed in each group were compared and analyzed.The results showed that the stems and leaves of Isatis indigotica in all experimental treatments had no putrefaction odor,light sour taste,brown yellow color,loose texture and non-sticky hands,and were evaluated as good.Compared with the control group,the odor scores of BX,ZB and BQX groups increased by 23.33%,16.67%and 30.00%respectively(P<0.05).The lactic acid content of BX,ZB,BQX and BRX groups increased by 10.43%,12.70%,14.13%and 13.05%respectively(P<0.01);The content of propionic acid in BRX and BQX groups decreased by 59.09%and 68.18%respectively(P<0.01);The total organic acids in BQX group increased by 16.44%(P<0.01);The proportion of lactic acid in BRX group increased by 4.37%(P<0.01);Compared with the control group,the crude fiber content of BX,BQX and BRX groups decreased by 24.78%,31.62%and 30.15%respectively(P<0.01).The results indicated that the addition of cellulase,compound lactic acid bacteria,cellulase+compound lactic acid bacteria enzyme bacteria could effectively improve the fermentation quality of the stem and leaf of Isatis indigotica,but its nutritional value had not been significantly improved.At the same time,no active ingredients such as(R,S)-Geyichun have been detected.
作者 张俊丽 岳彩娟 高旭红 梁小军 ZHANG Junli;YUE Caijuan;GAO Xuhong;LIANG Xiaojun(Institute of Animal Science,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750002,China)
出处 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2023年第23期158-163,共6页 China Feed
基金 宁夏农科院“十四五”重大专项:宁夏牛羊肉产业提质增效关键技术研究与示范(NGSB-2021-12) 国家现代农业(肉牛牦牛)产业技术体系(CARS-37)。
关键词 板蓝根茎叶 发酵品质 营养成分 有机酸 添加剂 stem and leaves of Isatis indigotica fermentation quality nutritional composition organic acids additives
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