

Research on the Image System and Creation Thought of the Garden“Le”of the Song Dynasty
摘要 《论语·雍也》云:仁者乐山,智者乐水。“乐”文化很早便与山水产生了联系,对古典园林产生了深远影响。从西周时期“礼乐”文化的“主教化、从人德”,到春秋时期孔子、颜回追求“克己复礼”的“君子之乐”,孟子提倡的“众人之乐”,老庄所描述的“隐逸之乐”,“乐”已发展出一套完整的文化体系。到宋代,理学盛行,基于对名教之乐的追求,“独乐”与“众乐”的思想发展成熟,成为士人园林中“乐”文化意象的主要内核。不同的“乐”文化引导不同的园林空间行为,进而形成不同的空间范式,在“独乐”文化的影响下形成“探幽”“明性”两种审美范式;在“众乐”文化的影响下形成“揽胜”“宴乐”“邀游”三种审美范式。“乐”文化影响士人园林空间模式的变化,也为明清私园向着“芥子纳须弥”的进一步发展指引了方向。剖析宋代“乐”文化意象的类型以及营造特点,对于理解“乐”文化在中国园林发展中的影响有着积极的理论补充意义,对现代园林营造实践具有指导意义。 The Analects Moderationthe:the benevolent love mountains,the knowledgeable love waters.“Le”culture has been associated with landscape for a long time and profoundly impacted classical gardens.From the“humanize and human virtue”of the“ritual and music”culture in the Western Zhou Dynasty,to the gentleman’s delight that Confucius and Yan Hui pursued in the Spring and Autumn Periods,everyone’s“Le”advocated by Mencius,and the“hermit’s Le”described by Laozi and Zhuangzi,the“Le”culture developed in the direction of diversifi cation.In the Song Dynasty,Neo-Confucianism was prevalent,and based on the pursuit of the Le of famous education,the thoughts of“Du Le”and“Zhong Le”developed and matured,becoming the main core of the cultural image of“Le”in the garden of scholars.Different“Le”culture guides different spatial behaviors of the garden and then forms different spatial paradigms.Under the infl uence of“Du Le”culture,two aesthetic paradigms of“Explore the scenery”and“Demonstrative quality”are formed.Under the infl uence of“Zhong Le”culture,three aesthetic paradigms of“Spectacular view,”“Banquet”and“Visit and appreciate”have been formed.“Le”culture infl uenced the change of the spatial pattern of scholar gardens and guided the direction of the further development of private gardens in the Ming and Qing Dynas�ties towards“Sumeru Mountain In A Mustard Seed”.The analysis of the types and construction characteristics of“Le”cultural images in the Song Dynasty has a positive theoretical supplementary signifi cance for understanding the infl uence of“Le”cul�ture on the development of Chinese landscape architecture and has a guiding signifi cance for modern landscape architecture.
作者 崔陇鹏 刘琪 CUI Longpeng;LIU Qi(School of Architecture,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an,Shaanxi,China,710055)
出处 《园林》 2023年第12期91-97,共7页 Landscape Architecture Academic Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“图像视域下的唐长安风景园林文化模式研究”(编号:21FYSB051)。
关键词 宋代士人园林 “乐”文化 审美范式 造园思想 园林空间营造 Song Dynasty gardens “Le”culture aesthetic paradigm landscaping thought the construction of garden space
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