

Construction of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education Model and Its Practical Paths in Secondary Vocational Schools——Taking the Communication Operation Service Specialty Group of Fujian Posts and Telecommunications School as an Example
摘要 中等职业学校探索构建课程思政模式是全过程落实立德树人的需要、全方位贯彻国家政策的需要,有利于全面提升新时代育人成效、促进学生全面发展。福建省邮电学校以文化育人、情感教育、综合素质教育、问题导向教学为理论根基,以传承和弘扬“红色邮电精神”为思政核心,以“扬通信文化、树服务精神、明强国担当”为思政主线,以“课堂+校园+社会”三域协同为运行机制,构建了“1+1+3+N”课程思政模式。并从深化教学改革、延伸育人空间、弘扬红色通信、深化校企合作、打造课程思政创新团队等方面开展了实践探索。 Exploring the construction of curriculum ideological and political education in secondary vocational schools is the need to implement the whole process of moral education and national policies in an all-round way,which is conducive to comprehensively improve the effectiveness of human education in the new era and promoting the all-round development of students.Fujian Posts and Telecommunications School takes cultural education,emotional education,comprehensive quality education and problem-oriented teaching as the theoretical foundation,inherits and carries forward the“red post and telecommunications spirit”as the core of the ideology and politics,takes the“communication culture,the spirit of service,and the strong country”as the main line of the ideology and politics,and takes the“classroom+campus+society”as the operation mechanism,the“1+1+3+N”ideological and political curriculum model has been constructed through the implementation of a number of initiatives.The practical exploration of this model needs to start with deepening the teaching reform,extending the space for educating people,promoting communication spirit,deepening the cooperation between schools and enterprises,and creating an innovative team for curriculum ideological and political education.
作者 徐锡光 任敬怡 骆丽 Xu Xiguang;Ren Jingyi;Luo Li(Fujian Posts and Telecommunications School,2Fuzhou 350008)
机构地区 福建省邮电学校
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2023年第26期71-74,共4页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 中华职业教育社黄炎培职业教育思想研究规划重点课题“黄炎培职业素养观视角下的中职专业群课程思政研究——以通信运营服务专业群为例”(ZJS2022Zd48),主持人:徐锡光。
关键词 中等职业学校 课程思政 思政课程 secondary vocational schools curriculum ideological and political education ideological and political curriculum
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