

Time and Space in the Eighteenth-Century European Sentimental Novels
摘要 巴赫金曾敏锐地指出18世纪欧洲感伤主义小说中出现的要求确定处所、确定时间的“处所崇拜”现象。本文认为,对具体时间、特定地点的凸显,只是感伤主义小说艺术追求的一面。在时间上,摒弃直线性、匀速化、可度量的客观时间,依据人物内心感受对一些瞬间特别延长,通过不断重温过去或者随时离题打岔反映人物的创伤心理;在空间上,偏好远离城市,风景如画又弥漫感伤色彩的乡野田园、美丽湖区、废墟遗迹;感伤主义小说中的时空体验并非如巴赫金所言,像早期幼稚现实主义那样刻意营造真实感,而是浪漫主义的先声,是融情感、想象于其中的时空体验。打破线性时间的叙事手段赋予了感伤主义小说碎片化、废墟式的空间形式,深刻反映出18世纪中后期情感文化之崛起。感伤主义小说中的时空观不仅透露出浪漫主义运动的现代性批判方向,也隐含着意识流等现代主义小说致力探索内心时空的端倪,其碎片化的时空叙事亦是探索读者与作品关系的一种可贵尝试。 Mikhail Bakhtin sensitively pointed out the demand for an exact place and time in eighteenth-century European sentimental novels.This article argues that the emphasis on specific time and place is only one aspect of the artistic pursuit of sentimental novels.In terms of time,sentimental novels abandon objective time that is linear,uniform and measurable and instead extend some moments in accordance with the inner feelings of characters.In terms of space,authors of such novels prefer pastoral and lake areas with picturesque scenes and sentimental feelings.The time and space in sentimental novels do not,as Bakhtin said,intend to deliberately create a sense of reality as demanded by early naive realism,but are often a precursor to romanticism that integrates emotions and imaginations.The fragmented and ruined spatial form of sentimental novels deeply reflects the rise of emotional culture in the mid-and late-eighteenth century.The idea of time and space in sentimental novels not only reveals the critique of modernity in the romantic movement but also implies the exploration of the inner space and time of modernist fictions.Their fragmented narrative is also a valuable attempt to explore the relationship between readers and works.
作者 朱研 Zhu Yan(College of Chinese Language and Literature,Hunan University)
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期93-103,113,共12页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“西方基督教美学通史”[项目编号:18ZDA023]阶段性成果.
关键词 18世纪 感伤主义小说 时间 空间 the eighteenth century sentimental novels time space
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