
国际制度武器化的机制选择 被引量:5

Mechanism Selection for Weaponized International Institution
摘要 国际制度武器化是指发起国以其主导的国际制度为工具损害对手的现象。在此,损害特定对象是发起国行动的目标本身而非行动的外部性。发起国与对象国间的既有联系特征决定了发起国的可用筹码与相对优势,进而塑造发起国对国际制度武器化三种机制的选择:剥夺、解耦与抗衡。在发起国意欲施加损害的领域中,当存在双方共同参与且由发起国主导的国际制度时,发起国可以通过剥夺对象国对制度内公共产品的使用权而向对象国直接施加损害。在不存在此种制度时,倘若发起国与对象国之间存在前者占优的非对称相互依赖,那么发起国可以基于自身主导的国际制度确认合作方意图、形成联合行动焦点并实施监督,从而聚合存在偏好分歧的多方行为体,由此组织多边解耦以损害对象国。当发起国既非领域内双方共同参与的国际制度的主导者,也不拥有己方占优的非对称相互依赖时,可采用抗衡机制,通过所主导的其他国际制度集聚资源并放大既定资源的效用,以挤压对手资源或行动空间。从冷战时期的巴黎统筹委员会与北约组织到当下美国组建的技术联盟和基建联盟以及对国际资金清算系统的运用等案例反映了国际制度武器化的不同机制。 Weaponized international institution refers to the phenomenon in which an initiating country utilizes the international institutions it dominates as tools to harm its adversaries.In this context,harming the specific object is the primary goal of the initiator's actions rather than the externality of the actions.The characteristics of the relationship between the initiator and the target determine the former's available leverage and relative advantages,thus shaping initiator's choice of three mechanisms for weaponized international institution:deprivation,decoupling,and countering.In the area where the initiator intends to inflict harm and where there exists an international institution jointly participated in by both parties and led by the initiator,the initiator can directly harm the target by“depriving”its access to public goods within the institution.In the absence of such an institution,if the initiator holds a superior non-symmetric interdependence over the target,it can utilize the dominated international institution to ascertain the cooperative intentions of the parties,establish a focal point for joint actions,and implement monitoring,which allows the initiator to aggregate parties with preference disparities,organize multilateral“decoupling”,and thereby harm the target.When the initiator neither dominates an international institution jointly participated in by both parties nor possesses a superior non-asymmetric interdependence,it can still employ the“countering”mechanism by consolidating resources through other international institution it dominates and amplifying the utility of resources to squeeze the adversary's resources or operational space.Cases ranging from the CoCom and the NATO during the Cold War to the technological alliances and infrastructure alliances formed by the United States currently,as well as the utilization of the SWIFT,reflect different mechanisms of weaponized international institution.
作者 田野 安怡宁 Tian Ye;An Yining(the School of International Studies,Renmin University of China)
出处 《世界经济与政治》 北大核心 2023年第11期24-60,160,161,共39页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 国际制度 武器化 非对称相互依赖 成员资格 大国竞争 international institution weaponizatio n asymmetric interdependence membership great power competition
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