

Developing grassroots democracy to solve the problemsof democratic system
摘要 不少理论家将群众看作是理性缺失的乌合之众,认为民主制度会带来“多数暴政”等问题,甚至声称民主制度与专制制度并无本质区别,其原因在于民主主体是利益并不统一的无理性群体。马克思主义理论家则指出,所谓乌合之众只是人民群众的自在阶段,通过共产党领导下的社会实践和理论灌输,人民群众可以从自在阶段发展为自为阶段,形成统一的阶级意识,摆脱利益不统一和无理性的局限,从而克服民主制度的问题。资本主义国家的民主制度由于其统治阶级的局限,无法真正培养人民群众的民主能力,反而会主动采取措施破坏人民群众的联合和觉醒以维护自身统治。因此民众难以达到自为阶段,民主难题不可能在资本主义的民主政治中得到破解。与西方国家的形式民主不同,中国的全过程人民民主是保障人民当家作主权利的真民主。中国特色社会主义政治发展可以通过基层民主的建设来培养人民群众参与民主政治的能力,激发人民群众的积极性、主动性、创造性,克服“多数暴政”问题。只有做好基层民主建设,在经济、社会、文化等领域扎实推动基层民主,让人民群众真正参与企业决策、社会管理、文化监督等事务,才能切实发展全过程人民民主,破解民主制度难题。 Many theorists view the masses as an irrational rabble,believing that democracy will bring about problems such as“tyranny of the majority,”and even claiming that there is no essential difference between democracy and autocracy because democratic subjects are irrational groups with inconsistent interests.Marxist theorists,on the other hand,maintain that the so-called rabble is only a stage of potentiality for the masses,and through social practice and theoretical indoctrination under the leadership of the Communist Party,the masses can develop from a stage of potentiality to actuality and overcome the problems of democratic system.Due to the limitations of the ruling class,the democratic system of capitalist countries cannot truly cultivate the democratic abilities of the people,but will actively destroy the unity and awakening of the people in order to maintain its own rule.Therefore,it is difficult for people to reach the stage of self-sufficiency,and the democratic problem cannot be solved in capitalist democracy.Unlike formal democracy in Western countries,whole-process people’s democracy in China is true democracy that guarantees the people’s right to be masters of the country.The development of socialist politics with Chinese characteristics can cultivate people’s abilities to participate in democratic politics through the construction of grassroots democracy,stimulate people’s enthusiasm,initiative,and creativity,and overcome the problem of“tyranny of the majority.”Only by doing a good job in building democracy at the grassroots level,firmly promoting democracy at the grassroots level in economic,social,and cultural fields,and allowing the people to truly participate in business decision-making,social management,and cultural supervision can we effectively develop people’s democracy in the whole process and solve the problems of democratic institutions.
作者 田磊 TIAN Lei(School of Marxism,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期34-42,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目:比较视野下中国式现代化超越西方式现代化的话语体系建构(23BKS064) 北京航空航天大学教学改革项目(JGYB2228012)。
关键词 全过程人民民主 多数暴政 阶级意识 民主能力 中国特色社会主义政治发展道路 whole-process people’s democracy tyranny of the majority class consciousness democratic capacity socialist path of political development with Chinese characteristics
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