
教育意识形态建构的中国教育学在场与出场 被引量:1

Presence and Appearance of Chinese Pedagogy in the Construction of Educational Ideology
摘要 教育意识形态是建筑在社会行动主体特定的利益立场和价值取向之上的教育观念的集合体,是意识形态在教育领域的本体性存在。教育学自引入中国开始,就在早期现代教育意识形态建构中出场,后经由旧中国到新中国的革命、建设与改革进入新时代的时空构境,教育学一直是教育意识形态建构的在场者。其间虽经历多次退场,但又再度出场,反映出中国教育学之于教育意识形态建构的不可缺场性。问题论争、知识生产、资政建议及话语建设,是中国教育学通过参与教育意识形态建构的出场方式。其在场与出场既受制于特定的时空构境及“剧情”,又能动地参与“剧本”的创制和“剧情”的演绎。参与教育意识形态建构并推动其发展更新,是中国教育学的学科命运和使命,也是中国现代教育发展的现实需要和应然逻辑。 As a general concept。ideology is extensive and hierarchical.The ideological existence of educational thought and concept,which play a leading and dominating role in the field of education and its activities,is educational ideology.It is manifested in the unders tanding,cognition and propsition of subject on fundamental educational issues such as what is education,what kind of education to run,how to run education,who to run education,for whom to run education and who to train,how to train and for whom to train talents Educational ideology is a collection of educational concepts built on the speaific interests and values of social subjects.It is the ontological existence of ideology in the field of education built on econormic foundation,espeially speai fic educational material and institutional foundation,reflecting consciousness form and interacting with it and is an important component of ideology.At the same time,it has its own relatively independent logical regulation and constituent system Since its introduction into China,pedagogy hus appeared in the ideological constrution of early moderm education.Later,through revolution,construction and reform from old China to People's Repubic of China,pedlagogy hus always been a participant in the construction,which reflects the indispensability of Chinese pedagogy in the construction,appearing in different ways in different periods.Its presence and appearaince are subject to specific time and spaice construction and plot,and also actively participate in script creation and plot interpretation.From nhew period to the new era,the spatial and temporal contexts and educa tional ideologies have undergone profound transformations,but the role and appearance of pedagogy in the construction are generally consistent.Academic discussion promotes the darification and identification of educational ideology,knowledge production supports the construction and improvement of educational ideological systerm.and policy research serves the leadership and governance of educational ideology.It is the fate and mission of Chinese pedlagogy to participate in the construction and promote its development and renewal in the new era,and it is also the need and necessity for the development of modern education in China.
作者 阮成武 Ruan Chengwu(School of Educational Science of Anbui Normal University.)
出处 《中国教育科学(中英文)》 2023年第6期15-29,共15页 Education Sciences in China
基金 国家社会科学基金一般课题“新时代美好生活观引领的高质量教育发展进路研究”(21BKS018)。
关键词 教育意识形态 中国教育学 在场 出场 educational ideology Chinese pedagogy presence appearance
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