

Exploring the syndrome differentiation and treatment of interstitial lung disease based on the three-dimensional hierarchical differentiation and treatment view of qi,blood,and essence level
摘要 气分、血分、精分三维层次辨治观体现了疾病由脏腑功能失调到组织结构损伤乃至脏腑功能衰竭的演变规律,其可以更好地阐释疾病发生、进展的动态过程,在内科疾病的辨治中具有现实性指导意义。间质性肺疾病属于临床难治性疾病,初病在气,后及营血,久耗肺精。气之宣降不畅,初累肺气为先;血之瘀痹凝涩,延及肺络为后;精之暗耗戕伐,深入肺之形质。间质性肺疾病作为慢性进展性疾病,由最初以脏腑功能失调为主的气分证进展到以器质性结构损伤为特点的精分证,其病理、病位的动态发展贯穿了气分、血分、精分。间质性肺疾病的发生、发展与气、血、精失用相关,本文基于气分、血分、精分三维层次辨治观探析间质性肺疾病病机由浅入深的动态发展,为辨治间质性肺疾病提供新的思路与参考。 The three-dimensional hierarchical differentiation and treatment view of qi,blood,and essence level reflects the evolution of diseases from organ dysfunction to tissue structure damage and even organ failure.This view can better explain the dynamic process of disease occurrence and progression and has practical guiding significance in the differentiation and treatment of internal medicine diseases.Interstitial lung disease is a clinically refractory disease,with the initial invasion to qi,followed by damage to ying blood,and then depletion of lung essence.Because the flow of qi is not smooth,it first affects lung qi.Then it leads to blood stasis and obstruction along the lung collateral.The depletion of essence destroys and penetrates the form and substance of the lungs.Interstitial lung disease,as a chronic progressive disease,has evolved from qi level syndrome characterized by organ dysfunction to essence level syndrome characterized by organic structural damage.The dynamic development of pathology and location of interstitial lung disease runs through the three-dimensional hierarchical differentiation and treatment view of qi,blood and essence level.The occurrence and development of interstitial lung disease are related to the depletion of qi,blood,and essence.This article explores the dynamic development of interstitial lung disease pathogenesis from a shallow to a deep perspective based on the three-dimensional hierarchical differentiation and treatment view of qi,blood,and essence level,providing new ideas and references for the differentiation and treatment of interstitial lung disease.
作者 徐梦娇 晏军 XU Mengjiao;YAN Jun(Wangjing Hospital,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100102,China;Dongzhimen Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1523-1528,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.81373589) 北京中医药大学东直门医院2020年度科技创新专项(No.DZMKJCX-2020-027)。
关键词 间质性肺病 气、血、精 层次辨治 动态发展 interstitial lung disease qi,blood and essence hierarchical differentiation and treatment dynamic development
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