
职业教育和高等教育、继续教育统筹发展的现实审视及实践理路分析 被引量:1

Examination on and Realization Approach of the Integrated Development of Vocational Education,Higher Education and Continuing Education
摘要 新中国成立以来,职业教育和高等教育、继续教育之间的关系从相对独立到注重沟通衔接再到重视统筹协调、协同创新。当前,职业教育和高等教育、继续教育统筹发展尚存在一定问题:终身学习通道尚未完全打通,职普结构调整尚未完全实现,继续教育的桥梁纽带作用尚未完全发挥,需要从提高统筹发展的理性认知、推进关键环节的制度建设与改革、优化教育结构以及加快建设统筹发展新阵地等方面推动“三教”统筹发展。 Since the founding of People’s Republic of China,the relationship between vocational education,higher education and continuing education has developed from being relatively independent to stressing connection and cohesion to valuing coordinated development and innovation.At present,there are still some problems in the coordinated development of vocational education,higher education and continuing education in the aspects of goal,structure and role play.At present,there are still some problems in the overall development of vocational education,higher education and continuing education in terms of goal,structure and role play.The lifelong learning channel has not been fully opened up,the adjustment of vocational and general education structure has not been fully realized,and the role of continuing education as a bridge has not been fully played.It is necessary to promote the coordinated development of the“Three Education”from the aspects of improving the rational cognition of overall development,promoting the system construction and reform of key links,optimizing the educational structure and accelerating the construction of new positions for coordinated development.
作者 袁泉 YUAN Quan(Yangzhou Polytechnic College,Yangzhou 225009,China)
机构地区 扬州职业大学
出处 《扬州教育学院学报》 2023年第4期90-94,共5页 Journal of Yangzhou College of Education
关键词 统筹发展 职业教育 高等教育 继续教育 coordinated development vocational education higher education continuing education
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