

Modern Construction of the Chinese Governance of University
摘要 内生于当代中国实践和独特语境的现代性中国话语,在中国共产党的领导下,崛起为比肩西方、具有原创性意义的现代性理论的新形态。在业已成熟的西方大学现代性建构的框架下,非西方大学也逐渐走上了现代性探索的道路。中国现代大学以及现代大学制度的产生和发展通过与西方学术文化的对话和交融重新建立起自己的合法性,并成功转型为现代文明的一部分。大学中国之治是彰显“中国之志”、立足“中国之智”、依托“中国之制”的大学治理中国模式的总括。大学中国之治的现代性建构就是要坚持“共建共治共享”理念,打造大学治理新格局;完善中国特色现代大学制度,将制度优势转化为治理效能;构建人类命运共同体,为大学治理全球化交出中国答卷。 As a powerful academic discourse and analytical method,modernity has become a “meta-concept” facing different research fields and objects and modernity logic with rationality as the core has gradually become the operating basis and governing principle of society.Modern Chinese discourse,which was born in the practice and unique context of modern China,has gradually emerged as a new form of modernity theory with original significance comparable to that in the West.The Chinese governance of university is a way to analyze the problems and contradictions of Chinese university modernization based on the reality of China's modernization development by the Chinese nation and the Chinese people led by the Communist Party of China.The Chinese governance of university has rewritten modernity discourse that has been defined by the West,broken the dependence that modernity equals Westernness,and opened a new chapter for modernity.The Chinese governance of university shows the Chinese aspiration by solving China's own problems and shouldering the responsibility of a great power.It is based on the Chinese wisdom represented by the governance experience of Chinese universities and profound traditional Chinese culture.It relies on the Chinese system which has advantages in leadership,politics,theory and decision-making.In general,it is a dialogue between Chinese university governance and traditional Chinese governance culture,as well as between Chinese university governance idea and Western university governance idea.Modernization construction of Chinese university is to put the modernization into the overall pattern of world modernization,so as to make the construction both national and international.First,we should adhere to the logic of “joint construction,joint governance and shared benefits”,highlight the fundamental and strategic position of multiple governance subjects in governance structure,and focus on combining the advantages of all governance subjects to maximize their positivity and enthusiasm.Second,we should follow the logic of transforming institutional advantage into governance efficiency,adhere to the unity of integrity and innovation,implement the overall leadership of CPC,strengthen enforcement,promote the overall coordination among governing bodies,give full play to the role of institution,develop and improve institution in the practice of governance,and speed up the modernization of university governance.Third,we should abide by the logic of the community with a shared future for mankind,face the differences among civilizations with a more open and inclusive attitude,strengthen our own identity as the carrier of human civilization,regard it as our mission to enhance dialogue among civilizations and promote the diversity of cultures and values,and establish a modern university governance concept with civilization consensus,so as to present China's answer to the globalization of university governance.
作者 申晨 朴雪涛 Shen Chen;Piao Xuetao(School of Public Administration of Dongbei University of Finance And Economics;School of Educational Science of Shenyang Normal University)
出处 《中国教育科学(中英文)》 2023年第4期62-71,共10页 Education Sciences in China
基金 国家社科基金“十三五”规划2020年度教育学一般课题“高等教育‘中国之治’话语体系的守正创新研究”(BIA200165)。
关键词 中国之治 大学中国之治 现代性逻辑 Chinese governance the Chinese governance of university modernity logic
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