
职业教育服务教育强国战略的方向与路径 被引量:1

Direction and Path of Vocational Education Serving the Strategy of Constructing a Powerful Nation of Education
摘要 习近平总书记指出,教育强国是全面建成社会主义现代化强国的战略先导,是实现高水平科技自立自强的重要支撑。职业教育培养高素质劳动者和技术技能人才,肩负着实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要使命,须以深化职普融通、产教融合、科教融汇的“三融”为发展方向,全面夯实社会主义现代化国家建设所需要的技术技能人才培养之基。以政策制度设计、人才培养和科技创新等为切入点,推进“教育链”与“技能链”、“教育链”与“产业链”、“科技链”与“人才链”等联接,全面探索现代职业教育高质量发展的新路径,不断满足人民群众对高质量职业教育的需要,不断提升人民群众接受职业教育的获得感,以充分的技术技能和高素质人才为教育强国提供支撑。 General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that becoming a powerful nation of education is a strategic imperative for building a comprehensive socialist modernized strong country.It also provides important support for achieving high-level technological self-reliance.Vocational education plays a crucial role in cultivating high-quality workers and technical and skilled talents,carrying the important mission of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.In order to solidify the foundation for the construction of a socialist modernized country,vocational education needs to focus on the direction of deepening integration between vocational education and general education,industry and education,science and education.By focusing on policy and institutional design,talent cultivation,and technological innovation,we aim to connect the education chain with the skills chain,the education chain with the industry chain,and the science and technology chain with the talent chain.This holistic approach explores new paths for the high-quality development of modern vocational education,continuously meeting the needs of the people for highquality vocational education,and enhancing their sense of achievement in receiving vocational education.It provides strong support for building a powerful nation of education by producing highly skilled professionals and talents.
作者 李梦卿 陈姝伊 Li Mengqing;Chen Shuyi(Tianjin University of Technology and Education)
出处 《职教论坛》 北大核心 2023年第10期24-30,共7页 Journal of Vocational Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学重大招标课题“建设教育强国的国际经验与中国路径研究”(编号:VGA180002),主持人:周洪宇。
关键词 职业教育 教育强国 职普融通 产教融合 科教融汇 vocational education a powerful nation of education integration of vocational and general education integration of industry and education integration of science and technology with education
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