
新时代基本公共服务体系的现代化发展:基于均衡性和可及性的考察 被引量:3

The Modernization of the Basic Public Service System in the New Era:From the Perspective of Balance and Accessibility
摘要 党的十八届三中全会作出全面深化改革的重大部署,中国基本公共服务在体系化、制度化、均等化、标准化方面取得重要进展,但基本公共服务发展不充分和供给不均衡问题仍然存在。与全体人民共同富裕的中国式现代化要求相适应,必须深入推进基本公共服务体系现代化发展,增强基本公共服务均衡性和可及性,使其贯穿各领域全过程。优化财政体制,深化户籍制度改革,使基本公共服务制度体系更趋完备。从国家基本标准到地方实施标准、部门行业标准协同强化优化基本公共服务标准规范。加强基本公共服务法治建设,让“分散”的政策性文件发展成系统的法规体系。构建和完善以人民为中心的基本公共服务治理机制,使基本公共服务供给与人民群众需求更趋匹配,人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感更强。 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee has made major plans for continuing the reform comprehensively,and has made important achievements in the systematization,institutionalization,equalization,and standardization of basic public services in China.However,insufficient development and imbalanced supply of basic public services are still prominent problems to this day.In line with the requirements of the Chinese path to modernization and shared prosperity for all people,we must further promote the modernization of the basic public service system to enhance balance and accessibility.Modernization of the basic public service system in the new era should transform and upgrade the existing“equalization”model of basic public services,so as to enhance balance and accessibility throughout the entire process of various fields.We shall optimize the financial system,deepen the reform of the registered residence system,and make the basic public service system more complete.From national basic standards to local implementation standards and departmental industry standards,we shall strengthen and optimize the norms of basic public service standards,and make the constraints of basic public service standards more effective.We shall strengthen the legal construction of basic public services,integrate“dispersed”policy documents into a systematic regulatory system,and make the institutional foundation for the balance and accessibility of basic public services more solid.We shall build and improve a people-centric governance mechanism for basic public services,so that the supply of basic public services fits the needs of the people more,and the people have a stronger sense of gaining,happiness,and security.
作者 钱振明 Qian Zhenming(the Center for Chinese Urbanization Studies at Soochow University,Suzhou 215021;the Collaborative Innovation Center for New Urbanization and Social Governance of Universities in Jiangsu,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021)
出处 《中国行政管理》 北大核心 2023年第10期54-61,共8页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“发展全过程人民民主背景下基层政府决策流程优化研究”(编号:22BZZ019)。
关键词 基本公共服务 体系现代化 均衡性 可及性 basic public service modernization of the system balance accessibility
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