

ES change-based ecological restoration zoning for the Hexi region
摘要 生态修复分区是有效开展生态修复的必要前提,基于生态系统服务(ecosystem services,ES)的分区是当前生态修复分区的热点方法。已有研究大多仅考虑ES现状而忽略其变化,无法反映生态修复的潜力和方向。该文提出一种基于ES变化的生态修复二级分区方法,并将其应用于甘肃省河西地区。首先,基于(Google Earth Engine,GEE)平台分类Landsat影像获得2期(2005年和2020年)土地利用数据,采用当量因子法计算2期ES分项价值和总价值;然后,对ES总价值变化进行聚类和异常值分析,构建生态修复一级分区(优先修复区PrR、重要修复区ImR、潜在修复区PoR、重要保护区ImP和优先保护区PrP);最后,利用ES分项价值变化的组合特征构建二级分区。结果表明:①一级分区各类占比分别为PrR 0.9%,ImR 7.2%,PoR 78.0%,ImP 13.0%和PrP 0.9%,PoR大部分位于河西地区的戈壁荒漠,PrR与PrP零散分布在祁连山与山前草地的过渡带,ImR与ImP聚集在祁连山山地、走廊平原以及北山山地,ImR与ImP的修复与保护潜力更大,且生态修复潜力有限,保护较修复更为迫切;②二级分区共有10类修复二级区和6类保护二级区,ImR和ImP的二级分区均以分项服务协同变化为主,河西地区生态修复与保护均应关注ES的综合提升。 Ecological restoration zoning is a prerequisite for effective ecological restoration,and currently,the most commonly used zoning method is based on ecosystem services(ES).Most of the previous studies merely focus on the current ES status but ignore its changes,thus failing to reflect the potential and direction of ecological restoration.This study proposed a two-level zoning method for ecological restoration based on ES changes and applied this method to the Hexi region,Gansu Province.First,through Landsat image classification based on the Google Earth Engine(GEE)platform,this study obtained two periods(2005 and 2020)of land use data and calculated the ES sub-value and total value of the two periods of data using the equivalent factor method.Then,this study constructed the level-1 ecological restoration areas(priority restoration area PrR,important restoration area ImR,potential restoration area PoR,important protection area ImP,and priority protection area PrP)through the clustering and outlier analyses of the total ES value changes.Finally,the level-2 ecological restoration zones were determined based on the combined characteristics of changes in the values ES subitems.The results show that:①Various level-1 areas,i.e.,the PrR,ImR,PoR,ImP,and PrP areas account for 0.9%,7.2%,78.0%,13.0%,and 0.9%,respectively.Most of the PoR areas are distributed in the Gobi desert of Hexi region,the PrR and PrP areas are sporadically distributed in the transition zone from the Qilian Mountains to the piedmont grassland,the ImR and ImP zones are mostly distributed in the Qilian Mountains,corridor plains,and mountains in the north.There exit greater potential for the restoration of the ImR areas and the protection of the ImP areas but limited potential for ecological restoration.Furthermore,there is a more urgent need for protection than for restoration;②The level-2 areas can be classified into 10 categories of restoration areas and six categories of protection areas.The level-2 areas of the ImR and ImP areas are primarily determined based on the synergistic changes in sub-services.Both ecological restoration and protection measures for the Hexi region should focus on the comprehensive enhancement of ES.
作者 黄卓 孙建国 冯春月 徐鹏 杨浩 侯文兵 HUANG Zhuo;SUN Jianguo;FENG Chunyue;XU Peng;YANG Hao;HOU Wenbing(Faculty of Geomatics,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China;National-Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Technologies and Applications for National Geographic State Monitoring,Lanzhou 730070,China;Gansu Provincial Engineering Laboratory for National Geographic State Monitoring,Lanzhou 730070,China;School of Geoscience and Technology,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China)
出处 《自然资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期236-243,共8页 Remote Sensing for Natural Resources
基金 甘肃省科技计划项目“甘肃省地表覆盖变化自动监测关键技术”(编号:20YF3GA013) 兰州交通大学优秀平台(编号:201806)共同资助。
关键词 生态系统服务 变化 聚类与异常值分析 生态修复分区 河西地区 ES change clustering and outlier analysis ecological restoration zoning Hexi region
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