

Teaching Practice and Research of Foreign Literature History Based on Process Evaluation
摘要 外国文学史现行的评价体系存在着诸多问题,引入过程性评价具有必要性和紧迫性。经过两个学年的改革与实践,笔者为外国文学史课程建立了过程性评价与终结性评价相结合的学业评价体系,以考核促进学生投入,提高了学生对学习过程的重视程度;采用课堂参与、小组任务、读书笔记、文学经典改写等多元化、科学合理的评价方式,设置具有开放性和情境性的作业题目,把“掌握知识多少”为标准的评价模式转变到“能力发展为导向”的评价机制上来;使用线上+线下混合教学模式,整合了课程的资源,实现课堂内外互动结合,为过程性评价提供了动态性数据和合理性参考。 There are many problems in the current evaluation system of foreign literature history.It is necessary and urgent to introduce process evaluation.After two academic years of reform and practice,the author has established an academic evaluation system for the course of foreign literature history,which combines the process evaluation and the end evaluation,so as to promote the students'input and improve their attention to the learning process.It adopts diversified,scientific and reasonable evaluation methods such as classroom participation,group tasks,reading notes,rewriting literary classics,etc.,and sets open and situational homework to change the evaluation mode of"how much knowledge students have mastered"as the standard to the evaluation mechanism of"ability development as the orientation".The combination of online and offline teaching mode integrates the course resources,achieves the interaction of both inside and outside the classroom,provides dynamic data and rational reference for the process evaluation.
作者 赵艳花 ZHAO Yan-hua(Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan 450001,China)
机构地区 郑州大学文学院
出处 《湖北开放职业学院学报》 2023年第23期174-176,共3页 Journal of Hubei Open Vocational College
基金 2020年度郑州大学教育教学改革研究与实践重点项目的结项成果(项目编号:2020zzuJXLX046)。
关键词 外国文学史 过程性评价 教学实践 history of foreign literature process evaluation practice of teaching
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