目的 评估中西医结合治疗妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症 (ICP)的效果。方法 观察组 4 0例采用 :①ICP中药方每日 1贴 ;②苯巴比妥片口服 30 0mg ,3次 /d ;③熊去氧胆酸片 10mg ,口服 3次 /d ;对照组为未接受正规治疗ICP患者 ,观察治疗结果。结果 观察组瘙痒评分明显下降 ,血ALT、APT、胆汁酸明显下降 ,P <0 0 5 ,而对照组呈上升趋势。同时 ,还发现观察组产时缺氧发生率低 ,孕周较长 ,围产儿预后较好 ,(P <0 0 5 )。结论 中西医结合治疗ICP是安全有效的治疗方法。
Objective To access the effects of traditional and western medicine on intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). Methods 40 patients in observing group were treated with traditional Chinese medicine for ICP (one paste each day), phenobarbital (300mg, taken orally, three times each day) and urasodeoxycholic acid (10mg, taken orally, three times each day). Patients in control group don't receive formal treatment. Results Blood ALT, APT, bile acid and pruritus scores decreased significantly in observing group, whereas increased in control group. In observing group, the morbidity of intrapartum hypoxia decreased; the prognosis of perinatal infants was improved. Conclusion Traditional and western medicine might be an effective and safe method for ICP.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal