目的 探讨测定阴道分泌物唾液酸酶活性对诊断细菌性阴道病的价值。方法 对 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年间在门诊就诊的 312例妇女 ,分别行阴道分泌物唾液酸酶活性检测与传统的细菌性阴道病 4项诊断指标测定并进行比较。结果 阴道分泌物唾液酸酶活性检测与细菌性阴道病 4项诊断指标测定结果有很好的关联性 ,关联系数 0 80。结论 阴道分泌物唾液酸酶活性检测可以应用于临床诊断细菌性阴道病。
Objective To investigate the value of the sialidase activity of vaginal secretions in bacterial vaginosis diagnosis. Methods From 2000 to 2001, The results of sialidase activity of vaginal secretions were compared with that of 4 traditional diadynamic criterias for bacterial vaginosis in 312 outpatients. Results There was close correlation between the results of sialidase activity of vaginal secretions and that of 4 traditional diadynamic criterias.The correlation coefficient was 0.80. Conclusion The sialidase activity of vaginal secretions can be applied to bacterial vaginosis clinical diagnosis.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal