

Tsarist Russia’s Far East Policy in Light of the Prohibition Conference
摘要 沙俄民众普遍嗜酒,近代发展为严重的酗酒行为,给其发展造成不良影响。为了整治其国内酗酒问题,沙俄政府邀同北洋政府协助,商议限制酒品从中国流入俄境的相关事项。从禁酒会议可以看出沙俄试图扩大中东铁路两旁禁酒范围,关闭和迁移沿边、沿路中国酒厂、酒铺的企图,体现了沙俄借禁酒的名义在中国东北扩大势力范围和打击中国民族酿酒业的野心,反映着沙俄的远东政策。同时,北洋政府官员在禁酒会议中据理力争,也体现了北洋政府尽力避免中国权益被损害的用心。 The general alcoholism of the Tsarist population,which in modern times had developed into serious alcoholism,had a negative impact on its development.In order to remedy the problem of alcoholism in its country,the Tsarist government invited the Beyang government to assist it in discussing matters related to restricting the flow of alcohol from China to Russia.The attempts of Tsarist Russia to expand the scope of prohibition on both sides of the Middle East Railway and to close and relocate Chinese distilleries and wine shops along the borders and roads could be seen from the Prohibition Conference,reflecting Tsarist Russia’s ambitions to expand its sphere of influence in the name of prohibition in northeast China and to crack down on the Chinese national brewing industry,and reflecting the Tsarist Russia’s policy in the Far East.At the same time,officials of the Beiyang government argued hard in the Prohibition Conference,which also reflected the intention of the Beiyang government to do its best to avoid China’s rights and interests being undermined.
作者 高凡镜 Gao Fanjing(School of History,Culture and Tourism,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150000)
出处 《西部学刊》 2023年第23期73-76,共4页 Journal of Western
基金 2022年度黑龙江大学横向项目“中东铁路与哈尔滨历史文化研究”(编号:2022022中东)的阶段性成果。
关键词 禁酒会议 中东铁路 民族酿酒业 远东政策 Prohibition Conference Middle East railway national brewing industry Far East policy
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