
柔性直流输电线路故障识别与测距技术分析 被引量:2

Fault identification and ranging technology for flexible DC transmission lines
摘要 直流配电线路发生故障时,并联于其中的电容放电电流会非常大,可能对电路造成损害。为降低电容放电电流,在设置直流配电网络时,电路配电线一般会串联电感,进而对相关参数进行测量,最后完成对故障的识别与测距定位。文章提出了一种升级版的柔性直流输电线路故障识别预测距技术,同时对输电线缆混合线路情况下的技术展开分析。 When a DC distribution line malfunctions,the discharge current of the capacitors connected in parallel can be very high,which may cause damage to the circuit.In order to reduce the discharge current of capacitors,when setting up a DC distribution network,the circuit distribution lines are usually connected in series with inductors,and relevant parameters are measured,ultimately completing the identification and location of faults.The article proposes an upgraded version of the fault identification and prediction distance technology for flexible DC transmission lines,and analyzes the technology in the case of mixed transmission lines.
作者 沈菲 SHEN Fei(Lu'an Power Supply Company,State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Lu'an 237000,China)
出处 《中国高新科技》 2023年第20期12-14,共3页
关键词 柔性直流输电线路 混合线 故障识别 测距定位 flexible DC transmission line hybrid line fault identification ranging and positioning
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