

About the Flying Stone Legend,Change of Worship,and the Rise and Fall of Beiyue Temple in Quyang
摘要 五岳祭祀是我国古代王朝国家祭祀礼制的重要内容之一。作为官方祭祀制度,自汉神爵元年以来曲阳是历代帝王祭祀北岳之所,北魏以来曲阳县城移至今址,现存北岳庙始建于此。曲阳北岳庙存留了中轴线主体建筑及历代大量碑刻等文物。因遥祀而产生的恒岳飞石传说,曲阳北岳庙在主院落的中心位置建有“飞石殿”。自明代起历经几次改祀之议,经过演变,所谓“飞石”来源由定州曲阳恒山转变成了浑源恒山。本文依据文献资料和现存文物,简明描述了经明代改祀之议,清顺治十七年(1660年)朝廷批准改祀北岳于山西浑源州,曲阳之庙日渐荒废,其管理使用及建筑修缮发生了本质变化,由朝廷敕修沦落为当地、民间自发保护的过程。旨在推进深入理解曲阳北岳庙的布局及建筑沿革、变迁情况,为进一步做好保护和阐释利用提供参考。 Sacrifice to the Five Mountains was an important component of the sacrificial rites in ancient Chinese dynasties.Quyang was the place for emperors to worship the Northern Peak since the first year of the Shenjue reign of the Han Dynasty,as part of the official sacrificial ritual system.Quyang County was relocated to its present site in the Northern Wei Dynasty,where the extant Beiyue Temple was built.Beiyue Temple preserves the main buildings along the central axis and a large number of inscriptions and other cultural relics through the age.It set the Flying Stone Hall in the center of the main courtyard,related to the legend of flying stone on Mount Heng that originated from distant sacrifice.There were several discussions regarding the change of worship since the Ming Dynasty.After evolution,the origin of the so-called flying stone shifted from Mount Heng in Quyang,Dingzhou to Mount Heng in Hunyuan.Based on extant literature and cultural relics,this paper introduces the history that after discussions during the Ming Dynasty,the imperial court approved changing the sacrifice to the Nothern Peak to Hunyuan,Shanxi in the 17th year of the Shunzhi reign in the Qing Dynasty,and since then,Beiyue Temple in Quyang gradually fell into disrepair with substantial changes in management,use,maintenance,and repair,the protection of which shifted from the court's edict to local protection.This paper is to deepen the understanding of Beiyue Temple in Quyang in terms of layout and architectural evolution,providing reference for further protection,interpretation,and utilization.
作者 张立方 Zhang Lifang(Hebei Cultural Relics Bureau,Shijiazhuang 050011,China)
机构地区 河北省文物局
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2023年第6期56-61,共6页 China Cultural Heritage
关键词 北岳庙 恒岳飞来石 改祀 Beiyue Temple flying stone on Mount Heng change of worship
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