Acupuncture is one of the most widely used complementary and alternative medicines worldwide.In recent years,rapid progress has been made in clinical research on acupuncture.Clinical studies on acupuncture treatment for diseases such as chronic severe functional constipation,female stress urinary incontinence,migraine prophylaxis,chronic stable angina,and postprandial distress syndrome have been published in top journals including Annals of Internal Medicine,British Medical Journal,etc.These studies have further confirmed the effects of acupuncture and promoted the international development and influence of acupuncture.High-quality clinical research on acupuncture is inseparable from the scientific application of clinical research methodology.Although clinical research methodology has been well established,there still faces many challenges in evaluating the effects of acupuncture.
Shi-yan YAN;Cun-zhi LIU(School of Acupuncture-Moxibustion and Tuina,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100105,China)