
国家医疗保障疾病诊断相关分组模拟运行下开展病组相关合理用药管理控费模式的探索 被引量:3

Exploration of A Cost-control Model for Conducting Group-related Rational Drug Use Management under CHS-DRG Simulation Operation
摘要 目的在2021年北京市“国家医疗保障疾病诊断相关分组(China healthcare security diagnosis related groups,CHS-DRG)”模拟运行下,探索开展病组相关的合理用药管理控费模式的效果。方法分析干预前2021年1—3月模拟运行数据,选取外科科室入组例数排名前3的病组中存在合理用药管理空间的病组,进行针对性的合理用药干预指导,比较干预后2021年6—8月问题病组的次均药费、次均抗菌药物费用、次均差额、平均住院日等相关指标的差异,以及问题病组所在科室整体的抗菌药物使用强度和医院感染上报情况的差异。结果耳鼻喉科病组DD29和DE19、泌尿外科病组LD19和LJ13共4个病组在围手术期抗菌药物使用方面、胸外科的EB19病组在辅助用药上存在管理空间。干预后,5个问题病组次均药费均出现显著下降趋势,耳鼻喉科和泌尿外科病组次均抗菌药物费用也出现下降的趋势,且整个科室的抗菌药物使用强度有所下降;耳鼻喉科和胸外科的问题病组次均差额有所上升,其中耳鼻喉科DE19病组还实现扭亏为盈。而体现医疗质量相关的指标,问题病组平均住院日、问题病组所在科室的医院感染上报情况干预前后未见明显差异。结论按CHS-DRG付费对医院运营来说既是机遇也是挑战,全包干的付费模式促使医院主动控费,开展病组相关的合理用药管理控费模式的探索初见成效,费用降低的同时并未影响医疗质量,对未来实际付费和医保基金的可持续发展提供了基础数据。 Objective To investigate the medical expense control model of rational drug use based on the China healthcare security diagnosis related groups(CHS-DRG)simulation in Beijing in 2021.Methods By analyzing the simulated operation data from January to March 2021 before the intervention,the groups with rational drug management improving potential among the top three surgical disease groups in terms of the number of cases enrolled in the surgical department were selected.Then,the targeted intervention and guidance were implemented to the selected disease groups.Finally,the analysis was obtained by comparing the changes in several key indicators such as the average drug cost,average antibacterial drug cost,average surplus and average length of stay during June to August 2021.Moreover,the differences in antimicrobial drug use intensity and hospital infection reporting of the department as a whole where the problematic groups were located were also investigated.Results Before the intervention,the otolaryngology related groups(including DD29 and DE19),urology surgery related groups(including LD19 and LJ13)could be improved in antibacterial drug use during the perioperative period.Meanwhile,the chest surgery related group(including EB19)had space to be improved in auxiliary medication.After the intervention,the five groups'average drug cost and average antibacterial drug cost in the otolaryngology and urology surgery departments are all decreased.The antibiotics use intensity is also declined in otolaryngology and urology surgery departments.The average surplus of otolaryngology and urology surgery related groups are increased,with the DE19 disease group in ENT also achieving a profit turnaround.As for the indicators related to the quality of care,there were no significant differences in the groups'average length of stay and nosocomial infection reporting of these departments.Conclusion The hospital operation based on CHS-DRG payment is both an opportunity and a challenge.The all-inclusive payment model has prompted hospitals to take the initiative in controlling costs,and the exploration of a rational medication management and cost-control model related to disease groups has begun to show results in terms of cost reductions without affecting the quality of medical care.The research can also provide a solid foundation for the CHS-DRG actual payment and sustainable development of medical insurance fund.
作者 王欣 刘佳玉 徐菀佚 崔向丽 魏俊丽 WANG Xin;LIU Jiayu;XU Wanyi;CUI Xiangli;WEI Junli(Department of Medical Insurance,Beijing Friendship Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100050,China;Department of Pharmacy,Beijing Friendship Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100050,China)
出处 《医药导报》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第12期1890-1894,共5页 Herald of Medicine
基金 北京友谊医院科研启动基金项目(yygdktgl2021-3) 北京市通州区科技计划项目(KJ2022CX-039)。
关键词 国家医疗保障疾病诊断相关分组 模拟运行 合理用药管理 控费 China healthcare security diagnosis related groups Simulation operation Rational drug use management Expenditure control
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