

The Evaluation Method of Ship’s Acceleration Ability in Wind and Waves
摘要 针对内贸集装箱船在风浪中加速能力评估方法缺失的现状,从低速、肥大型集装箱船的特点出发,结合螺旋桨水动力特性及船舶在风浪中的加速分析,简化船舶在极端风浪中的推进工况,分析与船舶加速能力相关的关键要素,结合主机快速越过转速禁区的条件,给出船舶在风浪中的加速能力评估方法,将船舶系柱状态下在转速禁区上界的转矩余量作为第一层衡准,通过计算船舶高海况下在螺旋桨常用转速下的转矩余量作为第二层衡准,在设计阶段对船舶在风浪中的加速能力进行评估,给出计算流程,实船计算案例验证该评估可行。 In view of the lack of evaluation methods for acceleration ability of domestic trade container ships in wind and waves,starting from the characteristics of low-speed and fat-hull-typed container ships,combining with the hydrodynamic characteristics of propellers and the analysis of ship’s acceleration in wind and waves,the ship’s propulsion conditions in extreme wind and waves was simplified to analyze several key factors related to the ship’s acceleration capacity.Considering the conditions for the main engine to quickly cross the barred speed range,the evaluation of the ship’s acceleration ability was set forth.Taking the torque margin at the upper limit of the barred speed range under the ship’s bollard state as the first level criterion,and taking the torque margin at the service speed of the propeller under the high sea state as the second level criterion,the ship’s acceleration ability in the wind and waves can be valued during the design stage.The calculation process was given,which had been verified by a real ship calculation example.
作者 王国强 孙海晓 蒋曙晖 WANG Guo-qiang;SUN Hai-xiao;JIANG Shu-hui(Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute,Shanghai 201203,China)
出处 《船海工程》 北大核心 2023年第6期60-65,共6页 Ship & Ocean Engineering
关键词 肥大型集装箱船 螺旋桨系柱特性 主机扭矩限制 加速能力 转速禁区 fat-hull-typed container ship propeller bollard characteristics torque limitation of main engine acceleration capability barred speed range
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