

A Study on the Historical Patterns of County Police Education in the Late Qing Dynasty(1902-1911):An Investigation Centered on Xiong’an Area
摘要 清末,西方警政制度传入中国,为进一步培养高素质的警察队伍,加强行政执法能力,警察教育应运而生。直隶作为清政府的京畿之地,不论是警政制度还是警察教育皆走在全国的前列。雄安地区作为直隶的重要县域组成部分,又与京、津毗邻,在地理位置上有着独一无二的特殊性,雄安地区的警察教育经历了从代为培养到自主办学的两个发展阶段,尤其是创办的巡警教练所可谓清末县域社会自主开办警察教育的典型样本。以雄安地区警察教育为典型个案得以窥探清末中国传统县域社会警察教育的历史样态,不仅对中国近代县域社会警察教育的创办与发展研究的深入有着推进作用,而且还对雄安地区历史文化的发掘与历史文化底蕴的丰富有着重大现实意义。 In the late Qing Dynasty,the western police administration system was introduced into China.In order to further cultivate the high-quality police force and strengthen the administrative law enforcement ability,the police education emerged at the historic moment.Zhili,as the capital of the Qing government,is in the forefront of the whole country in terms of police system and police education.Xiong’an area,as an important part of Zhili,is adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin and has unique particularity in geographical position.The police education in Xiong’an area has experienced two stages of development,from generation training to self-running.In particular,the patrol coach institute founded by Xiong’an area is a typical sample of self-running police education in county society in the late Qing Dynasty.Taking the police education in Xiong’an area as a typical case,we can get a glimpse of the historical pattern of the traditional county social police education in China in the late Qing Dynasty,which not only promotes the establishment and development of the modern county social police education in China,but also has great practical significance for the excavation and enrichment of the historical and cultural heritage in Xiong’an area.
作者 夏美奇 XIA Mei-qi(School of Education,Hebei University,Baoding,Hebei 071002,China)
出处 《河北开放大学学报》 2023年第6期12-17,共6页 Journal of Hebei Open University
关键词 清末 直隶 雄安地区 警察教育 巡警教练所 late Qing Dynasty Zhili Xiong’an police education police coach
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