通过对多协议标记交换(MPLS)及IP分组标记交换(IPLS)的分析,鉴于标记在标记交换网络中的重要性,提出在IP网中以路由缓存表项的入口指针(Entry Pointer of Route Cache,EPRC)作为标记。该文在IP数据包转发中模仿标记交换过程,并对EPRC的有关问题作说明。
Based on the analysis of multiprotocol label switching(MPLS)and IP packet label switching(IPLS),and in view of the importance of marking in label switching network.This paper proposes to use the Entry Pointer of Route Cache(EPRC)as a mark of routing cache entry in IP network to imitate the process of label switching in IP packet forwarding,and the paper explains the related problems of EPRC.
Technology Innovation and Application