
“大思政”格局下党史学习教育融入大学英语教学的必要性及实现路径 被引量:1

A Study on the Necessity and Realization Path of Integrating Party History Learning and Education into College English Teaching Under the Pattern of“Grand Ideological and Political Education”
摘要 新时代背景下,高校思政课授课主体不再仅是马克思主义学院的思政课教师,还包括其他专业课教师、行政人员以及校外育人力量等。社会各界协同合作、共同解决思政难题的“大思政”格局逐渐形成。在“大思政”格局下,将党史学习教育充分融入大学英语教学乃大势所趋,理据充分:一是为大学英语教学提供新的更大的发展机遇,二是助力培养合格的中国特色社会主义建设者和接班人。其实现路径主要有三:一是不断提升教师挖掘思政元素的能力,精准定位授课内容中党史学习教育的切入点;二是不断深化团队协同合作,以恰当的方式在授课内容中嵌入党史故事;三是不断推进教学模式改革,着力建设大学英语第二课堂。 Under the background of the new era,the teaching subjects of ideological and political courses in universities are no longer limited to the teachers of ideological and political courses in the School of Marxism,but also the teachers of all specialized courses and the administrative personnel,as well as the educational forces outside the school.The“grand ideological and political education”pattern of all sectors of society working together to solve ideological and political problems has gradually taken shape.Under the“grand ideological and political education”pattern,it is the general trend of integrating Party history learning and education into college English teaching,which has sufficient reasons:first,it brings new and greater development opportunities for college English teaching;second,it helps train the great builders and excellent successors of the socialism with Chinese characteristics.There are three ways to integrate Party history learning and education into college English teaching,that is,to continuously improve the ability of teachers in exploring ideological and political elements,and precisely locate the entry point of Party history learning and education in the teaching content,to constantly deepen the team cooperation,and embed Party history learning and education into teaching content in an appropriate way,and to constantly promote the reform of teaching mode,and enhance the construction of college English second class.
作者 尹铂淳 贺珊婷 YIN Bochun;HE Shanting(School of Foreign Languages,Changsha University,Changsha Hunan 410022,China;General Education College,Hunan University of Information Technology,Changsha Hunan 410151,China)
出处 《长沙大学学报》 2023年第6期103-107,共5页 Journal of Changsha University
基金 湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究项目“‘大思政’格局下党史学习教育融入大学英语教学研究”,编号:HNJG-2022-1138。
关键词 大思政 大学英语 党史学习教育 grand ideological and political education college English Party history learning and education
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