

Simulation study on optimization of grassland and livestock in family ranch in desert grassland area
摘要 本研究旨在通过建立草畜平衡模型和优化生产模型,分析内蒙古乌拉特中旗荒漠草原区家庭牧场在不同载畜率下的草畜平衡、草地生物量、甲烷排放量和经济收支情况,以期为该地区的家庭牧场生产经营提供科学依据和决策支持。本研究采用了实地调查和模拟分析相结合的方法,收集了相关的数据和参数,建立草畜平衡模型和优化生产模型,并对模型进行了验证和分析。研究结果表明,在该地区,家庭牧场的草畜平衡和经济收益与载畜率密切相关,随着牧场载畜率的增大,家畜实际摄入能量与维持需要的能量之间存在供不应求的状态,仅在0.1羊单位/hm^(2)、0.33羊单位/hm^(2)载畜率水平下草地能量有剩余。其次,甲烷排放量随着牧场载畜率的增大而增加,而草地生物量则逐渐降低。适当的载畜率可以提高经济收益,结合生态和经济效益以及当地实际情况,建议将牧场载畜率维持在0.33羊单位/hm^(2)~0.55羊单位/hm^(2)之间。合理调整牧场载畜率对促进草原生态环境的可持续发展和畜牧业的健康发展具有重要意义。 To establish a grazing and livestock balance model and an optimized production model,the grazing and livestock balance,grassland biomass,methane emissions and economic income and expenditure of family pasture in the desert grassland area of Urad Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia under different stocking rates were analyzed,in order to provide scientific basis and decision support for the production and operation of family pasture in this area.Field investigation and simulation analysis were adopted,the relevant data and parameters were collected,and the grass and livestock balance model and optimized production model were established,verified and analyzed.The results showed that the grazing and livestock balance and economic benefits of family pasture in this region were closely related to stocking rate.With the increase of stocking rate in pasture,there was a state of short supply between the actual energy intake of livestock and the energy required for maintenance,and only the grassland energy remained at the stocking rate of 0.1 sheep unit/hm^(2) and 0.33 sheep unit/hm^(2).Furthermore,methane emissions increased with the increase of stocking rate in pasture,while the biomass of grassland gradually decreased.Appropriate stocking rate can improve economic returns,combining ecological and economic benefits and local conditions,it is recommended to maintain pasture stocking rate between 0.33 sheep units/hm^(2)~0.55 sheep units/hm^(2).Reasonable adjustment of the stocking rate in pasture is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of grassland ecological environment and the healthy development of animal husbandry.
作者 窦焱艳 韩国栋 李治国 王忠武 DOU Yanyan;HAN Guodong;LI Zhiguo;WANG Zhongwu(College of Grassland,Resources and Environment,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Grassland Resources(MOE),Hohhot 010018,China)
出处 《草原与草业》 2023年第4期16-21,共6页 Grassland and Prataculture
基金 内蒙古自治区重大科技专项(2021ZD0044)。
关键词 家庭牧场 荒漠草原 草畜平衡 载畜率 Family ranch desert steppe forage-livestock balance stocking rate
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