
内蒙古草原固碳现状评估与碳汇实现路径建议 被引量:4

Assessment of carbon sequestration status in Inner Mongolia grassland and suggestions on carbon sink realization path
摘要 为评估内蒙古草地生态系统碳储量,提出实现草原碳汇潜力的路径建议。本文基于草原碳库的形成机理,从草原生物量和草原土壤固碳两方面评估草原固碳潜力。草原生物量固碳潜力计算采用净生态系统生产力法,草原土壤固碳潜力采用草原土壤有机碳含量计算,得出以下结果:2020年内蒙古草原固碳总量为473 990.92万t,草原土壤固碳量占草原固碳总量的96.43%,草原生物固碳量占草原固碳总量的3.57%,草原土壤固碳在草原固碳潜力中发挥主导作用。内蒙古草原固碳量分布不均,东部盟(市)草原固碳量高于西部盟(市),锡林郭勒盟和呼伦贝尔市草原固碳量较高,分别为139 534.35万t和138 918.71万t,占全区的比例分别为29.44%和29.31%。本研究的结论为内蒙古草原是巨大的碳库,聚焦草原碳汇生态产品价值实现具有重要意义;进一步摸清草原碳汇家底,增加草原碳汇资源,加快研究与发展草原碳汇。 In order to evaluate the carbon storage of grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia,the paper puts forward suggestions on ways to realize the carbon sink potential of grassland.Based on the formation mechanism of grassland carbon pool,the carbon sequestration potential of grassland was evaluated from two aspects:grassland biomass and grassland soil carbon sequestration.The grassland biomass carbon sequestration potential was calculated using the net ecosystem productivity method,and the grassland soil carbon sequestration potential was calculated using the grassland soil organic carbon content.The results are as follows:The total carbon sequestration in Inner Mongolia grassland in 2020 will be 47.4×108 t,the carbon sequestration in grassland soil accounted for 96.43%of the total carbon sequestration in grassland,and the biological carbon sequestration in grassland accounted for 3.57%of the total carbon sequestration in grassland.The carbon sequestration potential in grassland soil plays a leading role.The amount of carbon sequestered in grasslands of Inner Mongolia was unevenly distributed,and the amount of carbon sequestered in grasslands of the eastern League(city)was higher than that of the western League(city).The amount of carbon sequestered in grasslands of Xilin Gol League and Hulunbuir was higher,which were 13.95×108 t and 13.89×108 t,accounting for 29.44%and 29.31%of the whole region,respectively.Inner Mongolia grassland is a huge carbon pool,and it is of great significance to focus on the realization of the value of grassland carbon sink ecological products.Find out the amount of grassland carbon sink,increase grassland carbon sink resources,and accelerate the research and development of grassland carbon sink.
作者 石磊 孙海莲 王慧敏 谢宇 刘亚红 王洋 木兰 张雅茹 邱晓 SHI Lei;SUN Hailian;WANG Huimin;XIE Yu;LIU Yahong;WANG Yang;MU Lan;ZHANG Yaru;QIU Xiao(Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences/Inner Mongolia Engineering Research Center of Sustainable Development of Ecological Grass Industry,Hohhot 010031;Baotou Normal College,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014030;Inner Mongolia Forestry and Grassland Monitoring and Design Institute,Hohhot 010020,China)
出处 《草原与草业》 2023年第4期56-62,共7页 Grassland and Prataculture
基金 荒漠草原生态草业可持续发展技术与模式研究示范(2021CYZX02) 内蒙古自治区院区合作项目(2020CG0064) 内蒙古农科院青年基金项目(2021QNJJNO3)。
关键词 内蒙古 草原 植被碳储量 土壤碳储量 碳汇 Inner Mongolia grassland vegetation carbon storage soil organic carbon storage carbon sink
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