

Husserl On the Origins of the Logicality of Language in Metaphor
摘要 胡塞尔把逻辑判断的起源追溯到前谓词直观的能动性和创造性,由此带给逻辑判断形式以生命活力,突破了传统逻辑的那种僵化的理解,打破了西方两千余年占统治地位的实体主义的逻辑偏见,为原始思维、神话思维、艺术思维提供了更广阔的逻辑空间。然而,他出于西方传统理性主义的狭隘偏见,试图把一切诗性话语全部塞入“纯粹逻辑”的先验框架之中,以建立一门无所不包的“严格科学的哲学”,这就把逻辑形式的真正起源屏蔽掉了。在他那里,没有什么逻辑判断的起源,只有逻辑判断的前谓词阶段和谓词阶段所构成的“谱系”,因此语言、经验直观、诗归根结底也是逻辑,逻各斯的非逻辑含义被遮蔽了,活的隐喻被闷死了。纯粹逻辑是从语言中发展出来的,在隐喻中,起主导作用的不是逻辑要素,而是诗性要素,语言起源于诗,而不是起源于逻辑。胡塞尔架空语言,一心要把非逻辑的东西都归于逻辑,无法真正解决逻辑的起源问题。但他提出的逻辑谱系学所暗示的恰好是:逻辑最初是语言中的非逻辑因素由于其自否定而形成起来的。 Husserl traces the origin of logical judgment back to the activity and creativity of pre-predicative intuition,which brings vitality to the form of logical judgment,breaks through the rigid understanding of traditional logic,breaks the logical prejudice of substantivism that has been dominant in the West for more than 2,000 years,and provides a wider logical space for primitive thinking,mythological thinking,and artistic thinking.However,out of the narrow prejudice of traditional Western rationalism,he tried to put all poetic discourses into the a priori framework of“pure logic”in order to establish an all-embracing“strictly scientific philosophy”,which blocked out the true origin of logical forms.This blurs the true origin of logical forms.In his case,there is no origin of logical judgment,but only the“genealogy”composed of the pre-predicate and predicate phases of logical judgment,and therefore language,empirical intuition,and poetry ultimately belong to logic,and the illogical meaning of“Logos”is obscured,and living metaphors are smothered.This paper argues that pure logic develops out of language,and that in metaphor it is not the logical but the poetic element that plays the dominant role,and that language originates in poetry,not in logic.Husserl’s hollowing out of language and his determination to attribute everything illogical to the logical cannot really solve the problem of the origin of logic.But what his genealogy of logic implies is precisely that logic was originally formed by the non-logical elements of language as a result of their self-negation.
作者 邓晓芒 DENG Xiaomang
出处 《哲学分析》 2023年第6期37-57,190,191,共23页 Philosophical Analysis
关键词 胡塞尔 逻辑谱系学 前谓词判断 隐喻 语言的诗性 Husserl genealogy of logic pre-predicate judgment metaphor poetic character of language
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