

How to Evaluate the Role of Patent Assertion Entities in the Innovation Market:An Empirical Analysis Based on Global Standard-Essential Patents
摘要 随着世界范围内技术市场的迅速发展和知识产权保护力度的不断增强,专利主张实体(PAE)及其对创新的影响受到了越来越多的关注和讨论。本文基于全球专利层级数据,从微观视角研究各类别专利权人所持有的标准必要专利(SEP)之间的特征差异。本文发现,与其他类别专利权人(PE和NonPAE)相比,PAE所持有SEP的技术质量和专利价值显著更低,但诉讼案件数和海外同族专利数却显著更高。这意味着,PAE作为中介组织,在创新市场中没有起到专利甄别的作用,也无法帮助解决信息不对称问题。进一步分析揭示,PAE的实际经营模式主要是通过主动购买低质量专利,并利用发起多次诉讼来牟取超额利益。因此,我国司法部门需要在保护知识产权和防范专利滥诉之间寻求有效平衡,本文发现能够为构建更全面、高效的知识产权保护体系提供有益借鉴。 With the rapid development of technology markets worldwide and the increasing strength of intellectual property protection,there is growing attention and discussion on the impact of patent assertion entities(PAEs)on innovation.We conduct a study from a micro perspective based on global patent data to investigate differences among various types of patent holders in terms of standard essential patents(SEPs).We find that compared with other categories of patent owners(PE and NonPAE),the technology quality and patent value of SEPs held by PAEs are significantly lower,but the number of litigation cases and overseas simple patent family members are significantly higher.This suggests that PAEs,as intermediaries,have not played a role in patent screening in the innovation market,nor have they been able to help address information asymmetry.Further analysis reveals that the actual business model of PAEs is most likely to rely on actively purchasing low-quality patents and using them to initiate multiple lawsuits to obtain excess profits.Therefore,the judicial department of China needs to seek a balance between protecting intellectual property and preventing patent abuse.The findings of this article provide useful references for building a more comprehensive and efficient intellectual property protection system.
作者 龙小宁 王禹诺 Long Xiaoning;Wang Yunuo(Institute of Intellectual Property Rights,Xiamen University)
出处 《经济科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期144-163,共20页 Economic Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“科技创大学研究生田野调查”基金项目“知识产权保护水平的最优化:基于微观专利数据的实证研究”(项目编号:2023FG024)的阶段性成果。
关键词 知识产权 专利主张实体 标准必要专利 专利质量 intellectual property patent assertion entity standard essential patents patent quality
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