

Research on Great Immediate Importance and Profound Historical Significance of the“Three Major Events”
摘要 在党的二十大报告中,习近平总书记用“三件大事”概括了新时代十年的伟大成就和伟大变革。从现实意义上看,“三件大事”证明了党超凡的领导执政能力、淬炼了党自我革命的优良品格;为我国发展奠定了物质基础、夯实了精神根基;为民族复兴提供了思想引导、坚定了奋斗目标。从历史意义上看,“三件大事”改变了人民的前途命运、增强了党的先进性;开辟了民族复兴的正确道路、迎来了民族复兴的光明前景;赋予科学社会主义新的生机、为世界反贫困事业作出了贡献。在迈向中国式现代化的道路上,我们需深悟“三件大事”的重大现实意义和深远历史意义,方能谱写中华民族伟大复兴的新辉煌。 In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping uses the“three major events”to summarize the great achievements and changes in the past decade of the new era.From a practical perspective,the“three major events”have proven the Party’s governance ability and tempered its fine character of self revolution,laid a material foundation and created solid foundations for China’s development,and provided ideological guidance for national rejuvenation and strengthened the goal.From a historical perspective,the“three major events”have changed the future and destiny of the people and forged the advanced Communist Party of China,opened up the correct path for national rejuvenation and ushered in a bright prospect for national rejuvenation.Moreover,they have given new vitality to scientific socialism and made contributions to the cause of global anti-poverty.It is necessary for us to deeply understand great immediate im⁃portance and profound historical significance of the“three major events”on the road to Chinese path to modernization in order to brilliantly bring about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 孙昊 Sun Hao(Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou,Henan 450000,China)
机构地区 河南农业大学
出处 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2023年第6期59-62,共4页 Journal of Luohe Vocational Technical College
基金 河南省社科联调研课题“农林高校在社会大课堂中讲好大思政课的研究”(SKL-2023-928) 河南农业大学2022年度繁荣哲学社会科学类项目“大学生法治思维和行为习惯养成研究”(FRZS2022A08)。
关键词 新时代十年 三件大事 小康社会 自我革命 the first decade of the new era three major events a moderately prosperous society self revolution
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