
永磁同步直线电机的降阶线性自抗扰控制器研究 被引量:1

Research on Reduced-Order Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Controller forPermanent Magnet Synchronous Linear Motor
摘要 针对永磁同步直线电机(PMSLM)在各种高精密的半导体封装装备中,应用环境复杂多变,存在各种扰动直接影响其运动性能的问题,提出降阶自抗扰控制方法。为了实现该系统高速高精密运动控制,先通过阶跃响应实验获取了系统的开环传递函数,并针对使用常规观测器容易导致系统相位滞后的问题,在传统线性自抗扰(LADRC)基础上,设计了基于降阶线性扩张状态观测器(RLESO)的降阶线性自抗扰控制器(RLADRC),以提升系统对扰动的观测精度;然后基于对XY运动平台的硬件精度限制分析,设计了改进的降阶线性自抗扰控制器(IRLADRC)。实验结果表明,相比于PID和LADRC,IRLADRC具有较好的运动控制效果,使系统的整定时间更短,超调量更小,且抗干扰能力更强,满足了实际工程运用的需求。 Aiming at the problem that the permanent magnet synchronous linear motor(PMSLM)is used in various high-precision semiconductor packaging equipment,the application environment is complex and changeable,and various disturbances directly affect its motion performance,a reduced-order active disturbance rejection control method is proposed.In order to realize the high-speed and high-precision motion control of the system,the open loop transfer function of the system is obtained through step response experiments.And aiming at the problem that the use of conventional observers is easy to cause the phaselag of the system,based on the traditional linear active disturbance rejection(LADRC),a RLADRC based on a reduced-order linear extended state observer(RLESO)is designed to improve the system observation accuracy for disturbances.Then based on the analysis of the hardware precision limitation of the XY motion platform,an improved RLADRC(IRLADRC)is designed.The experimental results show that compared with the PID and LADRC,IRLADRC has better motion control effect,which makes the system settling time shorter,the overshoot is smaller,and the anti-interference ability is stronger,which meets theneeds of engineering applications.
作者 邱国富 贺云波 陈观轩 范文斌 吴浩苗 QIU Guofu;HE Yunbo;CHEN Guanxuan;FAN Wenbin;WU Haomiao(School of Electromechanical Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,China)
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2023年第12期85-88,共4页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61973093)。
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