

Exploration of the TCM syndrome types rules of novel coronavirus infection based on data mining
摘要 目的:对安徽省2022年12月19日—2022年12月27日861例新型冠状病毒奥密克戎变异株感染者的中医证型要素进行分析,探究其中医证型规律。方法:通过问卷星、腾讯文档等平台收集感染者的临床资料,以此建立数据库,通过IBM SPSS Statistics 25平台予以关联规则、聚类分析及因子分析对上述数据挖掘,分析新冠病毒奥密克戎变异株感染者的中医证型特点。结果:中医证型包括疫毒束表证、寒湿郁肺证、湿热蕴肺证、湿毒郁肺证、疫毒夹燥证、肺脾气虚证、气阴两虚证7种。关联规则显示恶寒和寒战同时出现较其他症状同时出现可能性大。聚类分析涉及7种病性要素(表寒、郁热、寒湿、湿热、气虚、阳虚、阴虚)、6种病位要素(肺、脾、胃、肝、胆、肾);因子分析涉及7种病性要素(表寒、郁热、寒湿、湿热、气虚、阳虚、阴虚)、7种病位要素(肺、脾、胃、肝、胆、肾、大肠)。聚类分析和因子分析推导出相似的结论,反映了新型冠状病毒感染的本质。结论:新型冠状病毒感染病因以寒为主,夹有湿邪,具有伤阳耗气、束表化热等特点;病性为虚实夹杂,病位主要责之肺脾,并涉及胃、肝、胆、肾、大肠,证型以寒湿郁肺证和疫毒束表证为主。 Objective:To analyze the factors of TCM syndrome types of 861 patients infected with Omicron variant of novel coronavirus in Anhui Province from December 19,2022 to December 27,2022 and explore the rules of TCM syndrome types.Methods:The clinical data of infected persons were collected through platforms such as Sojump and Tencent Documents to establish a database.IBM SPSS Statistics 25 platform was used to mine the above data with association rules,cluster analysis and factor analysis,and analyze the TCM syndrome types characteristics of patients infected with the Omicron variant of the nov-el coronavirus.Results:There were 7 kinds of TCM syndrome types,including epidemic toxin attacking the exterior,stagnated cold-dampness in the lung,accumulated dampness-heat in the lung,stagnated dampness-toxin in the lung,the combination of epidemic toxin and dryness,both deficiency of lung Qi and spleen Qi,and both deficiency of Qi and Yin.Association rules showed that aversion to cold and chills were more likely to occur at the same time than other symptoms.Cluster analysis involved 7 disease nature elements(superficial cold,stagnated heat,cold dampness,damp-heat,Qi deficiency,Yang deficiency,and Yin deficiency)and 6 disease location elements(lung,spleen,stomach,liver,gallbladder,and kidney).Factor analysis involved 7 disease nature elements(superficial cold,stagnated heat,cold-dampness,dampness-heat,Qi deficiency,Yang deficiency,and Yin deficiency)and 7 disease location elements(lung,spleen,stomach,liver,gallbladder,kidney,and large intestine).Cluster analysis and factor analysis derived similar conclusions,reflecting the nature of the novel coronavirus infection.Conclusion:The main cause of infection of the novel coronavirus is coldness,which is mixed with dampness,and has the characteristics of damaging Yang and consuming Qi,and attacking the exterior to transform into heat.The disease nature is characterized by the mixture of deficiency and excess,and the disease location is mainly in the lung and spleen,as well as involving the stomach,liver,gallbladder,kidney and large intestine.The main types of syndrome are stagnated cold-dampness in the lung and epidemic toxin attacking the exterior.
作者 李明远 方超 施卫兵 郭锦晨 余龙 饶建国 马守亮 Li Mingyuan;Fang Chao;Shi Weibing;Guo Jinchen;Yu Long;Rao Jianguo;Ma Shouliang(Department of Infection,The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei Anhui 230031;Graduate School of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei Anhui 230012;Xin′an Key Laboratory of Medical Science of Ministry of Education,Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei Anhui 230012;Department of Infection,Lu′an People′s Hospital,Lu′an Anhui 237000;Department of Encephalopathy,The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei Anhui 230031)
出处 《山西中医药大学学报》 2023年第9期949-954,共6页 Journal of Shanxi University of Chinese Medicine
基金 2022年安徽省科技厅新冠病毒科研应急攻关专项(2022e07020081、2022e07020082) 长三角名中医工作室建设项目(皖财社[2021]324号) 安徽省施卫兵名中医工作室建设项目(安徽省卫健委中发展[2020]10号)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒感染 奥密克戎变异株 中医证型 聚类分析 因子分析 novel coronavirus infection Omicron variant TCM syndrome types cluster analysis factor analysis
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