

A Review of Aquatic Ecological Protection Measures in Dammed Rivers
摘要 笔者总结分析了我国水电开发水生生态保护的工作历程、筑坝河流水生生态问题及保护必要性,并系统梳理了水生生态措施体系构建原则。在此基础上探讨和总结了筑坝河流水生生态保护措施类型,主要包括栖息地保护措施、水文过程维护和生态调度措施、下泄水温减缓措施、水生生物保护措施和其他鱼类保护措施等,该成果对筑坝河流的水生生态保护措施体系构建具有指导意义。 This paper summarizes and analyzes the history of aquatic ecological protection of hydropower development in China,the aquatic ecological problems of dammed rivers and the necessity of protection,and systematically reviews the principles of aquatic ecological measure system construction.On this basis,the types of aquatic ecological protection measures in dammed rivers are discussed and summarized,mainly including habitat protection measures,hydrological process maintenance and ecological scheduling measures,downstream water temperature mitigation measures,aquatic life protection measures and other fish protection measures,etc.The results of this review provide important guidance for the construction of aquatic ecological protection measure system in dammed rivers.
作者 刘杰 龙灵滋 LIU Jie;LONG Lingzi(PowerChina Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited,Chengdu Sichuan 610072)
出处 《四川水力发电》 2023年第6期124-129,共6页 Sichuan Hydropower
关键词 坝河流 水电工程 水生生态保护 水生生物保护 Dammed rivers Hydropower projects Aquatic ecological protection Aquatic life protection
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