
动产担保立法中的功能主义:缘起、内涵及发展 被引量:2

Functionalism in the Legislation of Chattel Security:Origin,Connotation and Development
摘要 动产担保立法存在功能主义与形式主义两种思路,二者的实质区别体现为立法者如何认定担保物权及相应的担保物权法的适用范围。动产担保立法中的功能主义缘起于美国《统一商法典》第九编,这与美国当时盛行的现实主义法学与法典化运动一脉相承,但原始动因却根源于商事活动对非占有型动产担保的迫切需求。功能主义立法的内涵是统一的担保物权概念,其与欧陆民法基于法律效果的相同性将各式各样的债务关系统摄到债权概念之下有异曲同工之处。功能主义不仅要统一对待所有权担保与定限物权担保,以实现非典型担保的典型化,还要打通抵押权与质权之间的壁垒,以实现典型担保的统一化。作为统一担保物权概念的延伸,功能主义还统一对待所有的“动产性财产”,以消除动产担保与权利担保之间的隔阂。现代国际动产担保示范立法均继受了功能主义,但继受程度不一。我国民法典对功能主义的继受是我国担保立法承认动产抵押并不断扩展其适用范围的逻辑发展,有其必然性,但有损法典的体系性。我国民法典中的动产担保制度相较于民法典的本来面貌存在功能主义过度的弊端,但相较于现代化动产担保立法,却留有功能主义不足的遗憾。 The legislation pertaining to chattel security encompasses two distinct approaches:func-tionalism and formalism.The crux of the disparity between these approaches lies in how the legislator determines the rights associated with secured property and the extent to which the corresponding chattel security laws are applicable.The functionalism approach in chattel legislation finds its roots in Article 9 of Uniform Commercial Code in the United States.This approach is influenced by the prevailing re-alist jurisprudence and the codification movement of that era.However,the underlying impetus can be traced back to pressing need for non-possessory chattel security in commercial practice.The essence of functionalism legislation lies in the establishment of a unified concept of secured property rights.This concept,similar to the effect-based approach in continental civil law,encompasses a wide range of debt relationships within the framework of creditor's rights.Functionalism aims not only to treat ownership security and limited property rights security in a uniform manner,thereby achieving the standardization of the atypical security,but also to dismantle the barriers between mortgage rights and pledge rights,thus realizing the unification of typical security.Additionally,functionalism extends its purview to encompass all forms of"movable property,"thereby bridging the divide between chattel security and rights security.Modern international model legislation on chattel security has,to varying degrees,inherited functional-ism.However,the extent of this inheritance differs among jurisdictions.In the context of China,the adop-tion of functionalism in the Civil Code is the logical development that acknowledges chattel mortgages and progressively expands their scope of application within the framework of security legislation.While this development is a necessary one,it does compromise the systemic nature of the Code.Nevertheless,it is worth noting that the chattel security system in China's Civil Code exhibits an excessive reliance on functionalism,deviating from the original intent of Civil Code.But compared with the contemporary chat-tel security legislation,China's approach falls short of fully embracing functionalism,leaving room for improvement in this regard.
作者 李运杨 Li Yunyang
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第6期122-138,共17页 Journal of Comparative Law
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“登记型动产与权利担保的规范统合研究”(项目编号:23BFX058)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 动产担保 功能主义 形式主义 非占有型动产担保 chattel security functionalism formalism non-possessory chattel security
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