

The Identification of Principal and Subordinate offenders of"Agents"in Online Casinos
摘要 目前,由于司法实践混淆了正犯与主犯的区别,从而错误地将网络赌博网站的代理人一律认定为开设赌场罪的主犯,只要达到情节严重的程度,就一律适用五年以上十年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金的法定刑,导致此类案件的处罚明显偏重。但这样的做法并不符合共同犯罪责任分配的原理,不利于实现罪责刑相适应原则,是一种极端的司法立场,应给予纠正。正确的做法应该是,把网络赌博网站以及纵向的上下级代理人之间看成是一个连锁共同犯罪,在连锁共同犯罪整体中,必须根据赌博网站的建立者、经营者与纵向上下级代理人的不同层级、权限大小、发展下线代理人数或者会员人数、获利金额以及是否享有赌博网站的股份或者分红等作用因素,判断其在整个共同犯罪中所起作用的大小而区分为主从犯。其中,赌博网站的建立者、经营者以及享有网站股份和分红的较高级别的代理人认定为主犯,而将那些较低级别的代理人,尤其是那些只直接面向注册会员的最低级别且对网站不享有股份和分红的代理人认定为从犯,才符合罪责刑相适应原则,才能实现刑罚的差异化、均衡性和公正性,才能贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策。 At present,judicial practice confuses the principal offender with the main offender,mistakenly identifying all agents of online gambling websites as the main offender of the crime of opening a casino,and as long as the circumstances are serious,they will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years,and the statutory penalty of fines is obviously heavier.This is not in line with the principle of allocation of responsibility for joint crimes,is not conducive to the realization of the compatibility of criminal responsibility and punishment,and is an extreme judicial position that should be corrected.The correct approach should be to regard the online gambling website and the vertical superior and subordinate agents as a chain of joint crimes,and distinguish the principal and subordinate offenders according to the different levels of the founder,operator and vertical superior and subordinate agents of the gambling website,the size of the authority,the number of development of downline agents or members,the amount of profit,and whether they enjoy the shares or dividends of the gambling website.Among them,the founders and operators of gambling websites and higher-level agents who enjoy the shares and dividends of the website are recognized as the main offenders,and those lower-level agents,especially those who are only directly facing the lowest level of registered members and do not enjoy shares and dividends on the website,can be identified as accomplices,in order crime and punishment to adapt to achieve the difference,balance and fairness of criminal punishment,and to implement the criminal policy of combining leniency and strictness.
作者 吴情树 Wu Qingshu(School of Law,Huaqiao University,Quanzhou Fujian 362000)
机构地区 华侨大学法学院
出处 《警学研究》 2023年第5期46-56,共11页 Police Science Research
关键词 网络赌场 代理人 主从犯 罪责刑相适应 online casino agent principal and subordinate offenders crime and punishment to adapt
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