
瓜州县舍饲肥羔育肥技术要点 被引量:1

Key Technical Points for Fattening House-fed Lambs in Guazhou County
摘要 随着草场植被和生态环境保护的深入推进,退牧还草、退耕还林的实施,传统养羊已逐渐由散养游牧转变为舍饲养殖。近年来,瓜州县依托可利用农作物秸秆和农副产品丰富的优势,按照“建园抓场扩规模、散户大场同步走、标准养殖提水平”的发展思路,积极推进区域化生产布局、良种化种群繁育、综和化饲草利用、产业化生产经营,构建了“东南片乡镇繁育扩规模、西片乡镇饲草抓育肥”的生产格局,通过推广标准化生产、秸秆饲料化利用、全饲圈养模式,全县羊只饲养量达到115.27万只,养殖业收入达到3.425亿元,农民人均养羊纯收入1420元,占农民人均纯收入的13.5%,为农民增收,为农业农村经济社会持续发展起到了重要作用,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。由于饲养方式的转变,势必导致养殖成本的增大,只有掌握科学的舍饲肥羔育肥技术要点,才可以保证羊肉品质,产生最大的经济效益。 With the further advancement of grassland vegetation and ecological environment protection,and the implementation of returning grazing land to grassland and returning farmland to forestry,traditional sheep farming has gradually transformed from free-range nomadic herding to housing breeding.In recent years,Guazhou County has relied on the advantages of abundant crop straws and agricultural and sideline products,and has actively promoted regional production layout and improved varieties in accordance with the development idea of"building gardens to expand the scale of farms,synchronously developing large-scale retail farms,and raising the level of standard breeding".Integrated population breeding,comprehensive forage utilization,and industrialized production and operation have established a production pattern of"expanding the breeding scale in the southeastern townships and focusing on forage fattening in the western townships."We promote standardized production,utilization of straw as feed,and all-in-one breeding model.At present,the number of sheep raised in the county has reached 1.1527 million,and the income from breeding industry has reached 342.5 million yuan.The per capita net income of farmers from raising sheep is 1,420yuan,accounting for 13.5% of the per capita net income of farmers.This has increased farmers'income,played an important role in the sustainable development of agricultural and rural economic and social development,and achieved good social and economic benefits.Due to the change in feeding methods,the cost of breeding will inevitably increase.Only by mastering the key points of scientific fattening techniques for fattening lambs.Only in this way can the quality of mutton be guaranteed and the maximum economic benefits can be achieved.
作者 李玉东 LI Yudong(Guazhou County Agricultural Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team,Guazhou,Gansu 736100,China)
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024年第1期83-84,88,共3页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 羔羊 舍饲育肥 技术 lamb fattening technology
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