
全过程人民民主的历史叙事和实践进路 被引量:1

The Historical Narrative and Practical Approach to theWhole-process People’s Democracy
摘要 民主是全人类的价值共识。古代氏族原始的直接民主在人类步入文明社会后因时空间条件的限制而难以有效地转化为现实。代替而至的西方国家“代议制”间接民主本质上是一种建立在资本主义私有制基础上的形式平等而事实上不平等的政治形式。近代中国先进知识分子从挽救民族危亡的急切心理出发,曾照搬移植西方民主制度模式,终因水土不服而告失败。中国共产党不负历史和人民重托,团结带领人民在百年奋斗中坚持“两个结合”,创造了具有独特中国气派的全过程人民民主的政治形式,真正实现了人民当家作主的美好愿望。新征程上发展全过程人民民主必须坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和全面依法治国的有机统一,通过共建共治共享进一步彰显人民主体的价值地位,为人类政治文明进步作出充满中国智慧的贡献。 Democracy is a shared value among all humanity.The primitive direct democracy of ancient clans was difficult to effectively transform into reality due to the limitations of time and space conditions after humans entered civilized society.The substituted indirect democracy of“representative system”in Western countries is essentially a political form based on capitalist private ownership that is formally equal but in fact unequal.Starting from the urgent eager of saving the nation from danger,advanced Chinese intellectuals in modern times copied the model of Western democratic system,which was ultimately failed due to the dissatisfaction with the local conditions.Lived up to the great trust of history and the people,the Communist Party of China united and led the people to adhere to the“two combinations”in the centennial struggle,created a political form of the whole-process people’s democracy with a unique Chinese style,and truly realized the good wish of the people to be masters of the country.The development of the whole-process people’s democracy throughout the new journey must adhere to the unity of the Party’s leadership,people’s ownership of the country and comprehensive rule of law.Through joint construction,governance and sharing,the value and status of the people as the main body must be further demonstrated,so as to contribute Chinese wisdom to the progress of human political civilization.
作者 周建超 Zhou Jianchao
出处 《兰州学刊》 2023年第12期5-11,共7页
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“中国式现代化的历史脉络与推进路径研究”(项目编号:23ZDA013)阶段性成果。
关键词 全过程人民民主 历史发展 中国共产党 实践进路 the whole-process people’s democracy historical development the Communist Party of China practical approach
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