

Synesthesia Segment:Inter-connected Narrative of Chinese New Poetry
摘要 中国新诗叙事的视觉段位和听觉段位是联通的;它们融合成有机性的“联觉段位”或“通感段位”。中国新诗叙事重新处理词语固有的语法搭配,使词与词、词与句、句与篇、“叙事主笔”与“叙事插笔”之间相互扭结勾连,借意象、字词、句子、诗节、情节、整首诗等形成化典或互文;此外,还通过“片段段位”或“杂语段位”,使其原有的视觉段位和听觉段位产生延宕,最终使其联觉段位也随之发生结构性变化,诗意由此扑面而来。中国新诗叙事联觉段位的有机性写作,既是中国新诗求真意志之使然,又是一场场灵魂的历险,还是一次次语言的探索。 The visual and auditory segment of Chinese new poetry narrative are connected.They are integrated into a complete"Visual Auditory joint segment"or"synesthesia segment".The narration of Chinese new poetry re-processes the inherent grammatical collocation of words,making words and words,words and sentences,sentences and chapters,"narrative subjects"and"narrative flashbacks"interconnected with each other through images,words,sentences,stanzas,plot to form an allusion or intertextuality.In addition,by changing the"fragment segment"or"heteroglossia segment",the original visual and auditory segment are delayed,leading to the structural change of synesthesia segment and bringing a poetic quality to the poetry.The interconnected writing of the narrative synesthesia in Chinese new poetry is not only the result of the Chinese new poetry's will to seek truth,but also the exploration of language use.
作者 杨四平 YANG Si-ping(School of International Cultural Exchange,Shanghai Foreign Language University,Shanghai 200083,China)
出处 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期82-88,共7页 Journal of Jinggangshan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目“现代汉诗的叙事形态研究”(项目编号:15BZW123)。
关键词 中国新诗叙事 联觉段位 有机性叙事 诗意 求真 the narrative of Chinese new poetry synesthesia segment interconnected narrative poetry truth-seeking
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