

Opening up With Chinese Modernization:Internal Logic,Key Issues and Strategic Choice
摘要 党的二十大对中国式现代化作出了理论擘画和全面部署,并确定高质量发展为首要任务。高质量发展离不开高水平对外开放,实行高水平对外开放是中国式现代化建设新征程的必然要求。通过对外开放实现内外经济互动是实现中国经济快速增长从而助推中国式现代化不断取得新进展的重要动力。基于此,首先,本文勾勒了新中国成立以来对外开放与现代化建设交互发展的历程,尤其分析了改革开放以来对外开放与现代化共生的关联性,并阐述了两者交融发展的内在逻辑。其次,对当前中国式现代化新征程中与对外开放战略密切相关的若干重点议题展开探讨。最后,笔者提出中国式现代化背景下实施高水平对外开放的思路。 Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made a theoretical plan and overall deployment for Chinese modernization,and pointed out that high⁃quality development is the primary task for building a modern socialist country in an all⁃round way.In the context of deep integration of Chinese economy into economic globalization,a necessary condition for achieving high⁃quality development is high⁃stardard opening up.The 45 years of development practice since the reform and opening up has shown that opening up is an important factor driving the continuous progress of China’s socialist modernization construction.However,the relevant discussions in existing literature on analyzing the logical relation between opening up and Chinese modernization,and their internal mechanism,and how to promote high⁃stardard opening up in the new era still need to be enriched.Therefore,this paper discusses this issue in detail,finds the rules through sorting out facts,and provides experience and reference for high⁃stardard opening up under the new journey of Chinese modernization.This paper first introduces the issue from the background,expounds the inevitability and significance of promoting high⁃stardard opening up in the context of Chinese modernization,expounds the inevitability of China’s opening up from the perspective of economic globalization,and points out that opening up has played an important role in China’s reform and opening up in the past 45 years.Based on the current international situation,it further indicates the necessity and greater significance of continued promotion of the basic policy of opening up.This paper puts forward that there is a very close interaction between opening up and China modernization,discusses the interactive development between opening up and Chinese modernization in stages,summarizes the interactive logic,specific path,and development performance in the way of combining policy and practice,and analyzes the political economy mechanism between opening up and Chinese modernization.This article also analyzes several key issues in further promotion of high⁃stardard opening up,providing valuable insights for further exploration of related issues.Finally,policy suggestions are proposed from three aspects,that is,grasping the dialectical relation between self⁃reliance and opening up,further deepening the market⁃oriented reform of the economic system,and promoting a higher⁃stardard institutional openness.Different from existing studies,this paper,based on the internal connectivity between opening up and Chinese modernization,points out the internal logic,mechanism and principle of mutual promotion and their actual effects.It also points out the major theoretical and practical problems involved in China’s further opening up and their solutions.It analyzes the interaction process between the two to provide theoretical support for high⁃stardard opening up.
作者 朱福林 ZHU Fu-lin(Foreign Investment Research Institute,Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce of China,Beijing 100710,China)
出处 《财经问题研究》 北大核心 2023年第12期3-16,共14页 Research On Financial and Economic Issues
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“RCEP对亚太区域价值链重构的影响机制及应对策略研究”(22&ZD178) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“生产网络视角下服务业技术进步影响因素、机制及路径优化研究”(72073139)。
关键词 对外开放 中国式现代化 高水平对外开放 经济全球化 opening up Chinese modernization high‐stardard opening up economic globalization
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