

Analysis on Transformation of Environmental NIMBY Risk Management Mode in Our Country
摘要 我国环境邻避风险治理的现有模式是管控与回应结合型治理模式。现有模式具有一定的可取之处,但仍存在一些问题。现有模式存在治理主体的多元性不够、治理程序的包容性不够、治理成果的共享性不够等问题。公众的邻避情结难以消解、环境邻避风险时而升级、环境邻避设施选址成功率低下与选址不合理并存;是我国环境邻避风险治理模式转换的现实动因。作为善治的一个重要向度,包容性治理能够有效化解环境邻避风险,并具有合法性和伦理品性,因而成为我国环境邻避风险治理模式转换的方向选择。 The existing model of environmental NIMBY risk governance in China is a combination of control and response governance model.The existing model has some merits,but there are some problems.The existing model has some shortcomings,such as insufficient pluralism of governance subjects,insufficient inclusiveness of governance procedures and insufficient sharing of governance achievements.The public's NIMBY complex is difficult to resolve,the environmental NIMBY risk escalates from time to time,and the low success rate and unreasonable location of environmental NIMBY facilities coexist are the real reasons for the transformation of environmental NIMBY risk management mode in China.As an important dimension of good governance,inclusive governance can effectively resolve environmental NIMBY risks,and has legitimacy and ethical character,so it has become the direction choice of environmental NIMBY risk governance model transformation in our country.
作者 唐子旺 邓集文 Tang Ziwang;Deng Jiwen(School of Marxism,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,China)
出处 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2023年第21期186-188,共3页 Leather Manufacture and Environmental Technology
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金重点项目(18ZDB038) 国家社会科学基金一般项目(17BZZ043)。
关键词 环境邻避风险 治理 模式转换 environmental NIMBY risk governance mode conversion
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