

On the Complete Sets Arrangement Characteristics of World Excellent Pommel Horse Athletes——With Suggestions to Improves the Strategy of Pommel Horse for Chinese Athletes
摘要 运用文献资料法、录像观察法等对新周期鞍马成套动作编排进行剖析,探索鞍马发展趋势,为我国运动员提出科学、合理的建议。结论:(1)新难技术是发展的风向标,难度调整影响选用频率,提升实力需难度与质量辩证发展。(2)成套编排满足“1+8+1”配置,首尾安排Ⅰ 、Ⅳ组别动作,Ⅱ、Ⅲ组别位居中间,以D、E难度为主。(3)开场以C、D难度为主流;下法均为D、E难度动作。第Ⅱ组别的选用与难度呈正态分布。Ⅱ、Ⅲ组别类型丰富,D、E是成套的核心,高难复合动作是提升成套难度的关键。 By using the method of literature and video observation,the article analyzes the arrangement of the complete set of movements of the new cycle pommel horse,to explore the developing trend of the pommel horse,and puts forward scientific and reasonable suggestions for Chinese athletes.Conclusion:(1)New difficult technology is the vane of the development,the adjustment of difficulty affects the frequency of selection,and the improvement of strength needs the dialectical development of difficulty and quality.(2)The whole set was arranged according to the"1+8+1"configuration,with group I and IV movements arranged at the beginning and the end,and group II and III in the middle,with D and E dificulty as the main ones.(3)C and D are the main starting movement,and D and E are the main finish movement.The selection and dificulty of Group II were normal distribution.There are many types in group II and II,D and E are the core of the whole set,and high-difficulty compound action is the key to improve the whole set.
作者 庞祥晨 Pang Xiangchen(Shanxi Institute of Science and Technology,Jincheng Shanxi 048000)
机构地区 山西科技学院
出处 《安徽体育科技》 2023年第6期30-35,共6页 Journal of Anhui Sports Science
关键词 鞍马项目 成套动作 编排特征 提升策略 pommel horse complete sets of actions arrangement characteristics boost strategy
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