

Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English"Intestine"Metaphor Clusters and Their Embodied Cognition-Cultural Scripts Motivation
摘要 当代隐喻学主张身体是人类认识世界、感知世界的起点和基础,以此产生的人体隐喻贯穿着人类认知构建的始终。以“肠”为源域的隐喻在汉英两种语言中均广泛存在。从认知隐喻角度研究汉英语言对“肠”(intestine)隐喻意象的异同,意义尤为重大。文章诉诸CCL和COCA语料库对涉及“肠”(intestine)及其隐喻词簇的语料进行收集,归纳总结汉英“肠”隐喻意象的异同,并结合文化背景进行跨语言比较与分析,发现汉英“肠”(intestine)隐喻具有包括人体器官、疾病意象、食物意象在内的相同意象,以及器官意象、情绪意象、品质意象在词簇搭配上的跨语言差异。具身体认和文化脚本的双象限维度阐释了造成同异并存、同中有异的分布格局之深刻理据。 Contemporary metaphorology advocates that metaphor is a paramount cognitive mechanism of human beings,a manifestation of thinking,and a reflection of cognitive subjects from a direct cognitive field to an indirect conceptual field,in a bid to probe into the world.It is not only feasible but also of great significance to study the similarities and differences between Chinese and English languages in the metaphorical images of"intestine"from the perspective of cognitive metaphor.The body is the starting point and basis for human beings to perceive the world,and body metaphors generated therein penetrate the whole process of human cognitive construction.As intestine is a part of human digestive organs,metaphors with"intestine"as the source domain are prevalent in both Chinese and English.By employing CCL and COCA corpora to collect the data related to"intestine"and its metaphorical clusters,and summarizing the similarities and differences between Chinese and English"intestine"metaphorical images with the integration of cross-language comparison and analyses of relevant cultural backgrounds,this paper concludes that Chinese and English intestine metaphors bear the same images including human organs and disease,food,organ and emotional images,with cross-language differences in the collocation of quality images in word clusters.It resorts to the dual-dimension of embodied cognition and cultural scripts to explain the profound rationale for the coexistence of similarities and differences,and the latter in the former,so as to explore the connotations of body metaphor images in Chinese and English,hence the further understanding of metaphor cognitive theory.
作者 孙毅 SUN Yi(Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510420,Guangdong,China)
出处 《惠州学院学报》 2023年第5期1-9,共9页 Journal of Huizhou University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(21BYY001)。
关键词 认知隐喻 “肠” 隐喻 汉英对比 具身认知 文化脚本 理据 cognitive metaphor "intestine" metaphor comparison between Chinese and English embodied cognition cultural script motivation
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