
基于生态系统服务优化的滨海湿地一体化保护—修复格局构建 被引量:2

Maximal multiple ecosystem services for coastal wetlands byintegrating their conservation and restoration patternin the Yellow River Delta,China
摘要 传统的湿地修复实践侧重点状效果,较少关注景观尺度的空间选址策略。而滨海受损湿地与未受损自然湿地具有结构和功能联系,因此保护和修复应协同优化。以黄河三角洲滨海湿地为例,将湿地保护与修复格局统一到滨海湿地典型生态系统服务(碳储、生境质量和水质净化)提升构架下,以受损区内优势种的适宜生境作为潜在修复区,发展了一套一体化保护—修复格局构建及优化方法。结果表明:保护和修复50%的生态系统服务核心区能够以最小的成本实现目标最大化;为达成该目标应优先将部分自然湿地划入保护区,随后撤出保护区内现存的养殖池,最后实施保护区内的退盐还湿和保护区外的退养还滩。研究提出的方法丰富了国土空间生态修复的技术体系,确定的保护—修复优先区有助于科学划定生态“保护红线”和“修复绿线”,相关调控措施能够为优化滨海湿地现有保护格局提供科学的决策支持。 Traditional restoration practice focused on the site-based success,with less concernabout spatial strategy of site-selection restoration at landscape scale.However,site-basedrestoration may achieve extra ecological benefits if they spatially form an eco-network withexisting protected area where their ecosystem functioning can be co-beneficial each other.Wetherefore developed a novel site-selection spatial strategy to optimize restoration andconservation pattern with maximized co-benefits of ecosystem services(ES)for the coastalwetlands in the Yellow River Delta.We firstly identified the potential restorable sites and targetsalt marsh based on their hydro-geomorphological regimes using Gaussian model,and capturedthe hotspots of three major types of ES(i.e.,habitat,carbon sequestration,water purification)spatial explicitly by InVEST across the river delta after restoration.Then,the method ofSystematic Conservation Planning was used to determine the integrated conservationrestoration pattern and optimal conservation-restoration ratio under the gradient of eachconservation-restoration ratio.This involved weighing the economic costs of ecologicalfunctions,protecting existing wetlands,and restoring potential wetlands,as well as therepresentativeness,complementarity,and connectivity of multiple typical ecosystem servicesunder the potential pattern.Finally,the study suggests conservation-restoration tactics withinthe framework of each scale's optimum pattern.The study suggests conservation-restorationprocedures based on the ideal distribution of each proportion.The result indicates thatmaintaining 50%of ES hotspots after restoration would be the cost-efficient target setting tomaximize the regional ES with minimized cost,and thus the prioritized sites for restorationwere filtered out by excluding existing protected area from those selected ES hotspots at thistarget level(50%)across the delta.The integrated conservation-restoration pattern of coastalwetlands that this study proposes to build and optimize enriches the technical system ofecological restoration of land space,and the priority areas for conservation and restoration aswell as related regulatory measures can support scientific decision-making for optimizing thecurrent conservation pattern of coastal wetlands.
作者 智烈慧 周方文 李晓文 马田田 邵冬冬 白军红 崔保山 郭卫华 ZHI Lie-hui;ZHOU Fang-wen;LI Xiao-wen;MA Tian-tian;SHAO Dong-dong;BAI Jun-hong;CUI Bao-shan;GUO Wei-hua(School of Environment,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;School of Earth Science andEngineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,Hebei,China;School of Life Science,Shandong University,Qingdao 266237,Shandong,China)
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期3150-3165,共16页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家重点研发计划(2019YFE0121500) 国家自然科学基金委—山东联合基金项目(U2006215,U22A20558) 国家自然科学基金项目(3217130131)。
关键词 生态系统服务 系统保护规划 国土空间生态修复 一体化保护修复 滨海湿地 ecosystem service system protection planning ecological restoration of land andspace integrated conservation and restoration coastal wetlands
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