

Analysis of the Problem in Food Supply in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Area
摘要 1932年秋,红四方面军因军事行动的失利和粮食危机的加剧开始了战略转移,川陕边区因其物产相对丰富而承接了红军建立稳固苏区的需求。然而,得益于川北得天独厚的自然地理禀赋和身处相对松散的地方军阀统治结构中的红四方面军,入川后也曾数次为粮食供应问题所困扰。为应对粮食危机,川陕省委相继提出和采取了一系列重大举措,一度缓解了苏区的粮食危机。形势好转未久,红军在旷日持久的反“围剿”中逐步收缩阵地,苏区陷入资源消耗战陷阱,苏区粮食供应再次趋于紧张,红四方面军也不得不向川陕甘交界地带发展以解决粮食供应问题。随着川陕苏区发展生产的尝试和经略“川陕甘边区”计划的失败,以及国民党军的“川陕会剿”已成合围之势,苏区粮食依旧匮乏,红军也被迫撤离川陕苏区进行战略转移。 In the autumn of 1932,the Fourth Front Red Army began a strategic shift due to the failure of military operations and the intensification of the food crisis,and the Sichuan-Shaanxi Border Area took over the needs of the Red Army to establish a solid Soviet area due to its relatively abundant resources.However,even with the advantaged natural geographical endowment of northern Sichuan and the relatively loose structure of local warlord rule,the Fourth Front Red Army had been plagued by the difficult in food supply several times since its entry into Sichuan.In order to cope with the food crisis,the Sichuan-Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the CPC proposed and adopted a series of major initiatives,which once alleviated the food crisis in the Soviet area.The improvement can't last for a long time,and the Red Army gradually shrank its positions in the prolonged anti-encirclement campaign.The Soviet area fell into the trap of resource depletion,the food supply in Soviet area again became increasingly tight.The Fourth Front Red Army had to develop towards the Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu junction to solve the problem in food supply.However,with the failures of the attempt to develop production in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Area and the plan of the"Sichuan-Shaanxi-Gansu Border Area",as well as the"Sichuan-Shaanxi Congress and Suppression"by the Kuomintang's Army,the Soviet area was still short of food,and the Red Army was forced to withdraw from the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Area for a strategic transfer.
作者 刘宗灵 郑祥文 Liu Zongling;Zheng Xiangwen
出处 《苏区研究》 2023年第6期21-39,共19页
基金 成都大学天府文化研究院天府文化研究与文创项目“档案背后:新民主主义革命时期中共在成都的文化与教育工作”(TYB202208)。
关键词 川陕苏区 红四方面军 粮食供应 战争 the Sichuan-Shaanxi Soviet Area the Fourth Front Red Army food supply war
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